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lowRISC announces its 0.4 milestone release

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2017-06-09 21:12:09 from the FOSH (like FOSS, but for hardware) dept.

lowRISC [] is a project to create a "fully open-sourced, Linux-capable, system-on-a-chip"; it is based around RISC-V [], the "Free and Open RISC Instruction Set Architecture", which is meant to provide an extensible platform that scales from low-level microcontrollers up to highly parallel, high-bandwidth general-purpose supercomputers.

Here is the release announcement []:

The lowRISC 0.4 milestone release is now available. The various changes are best described in our accompanying documentation [], but in summary this release:

  • Moves forward our support for tagged memory by re-integrating the tag cache, reducing overhead with a hierarchical scheme []. This will significantly reduce caches misses caused by tagged memory accesses where tags are distributed sparsely.

  • Integrates support for specifying and configuring tag propagation and exception behaviour [].

  • A PULPino [] based “minion core” has been integrated, and is used to provide peripherals such as the SD card interface, keyboard, and VGA tex display (when using the Nexys4 DDR FPGA development board).

Please report any issues on our GitHub repository [], or discuss on our mailing list []. As always, thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way - whether it’s advice and feedback, bug reports, code, or ideas.

Original Submission