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Huawei to be Phased Out of UK 5G Networks

Accepted submission by takyon at 2020-05-23 20:50:33

UK reportedly planning to phase out Huawei equipment from its 5G networks []

After resisting pressure from the US for months, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is apparently preparing to phase out the use of Huawei equipment from the UK's 5G networks, the Financial Times reported []. Citing national security concerns, members of the UK's Conservative party have pushed for Huawei technology to be removed from the UK's 5G infrastructure and the rest of its telecom network by 2023.

[...] Trump reportedly called Johnson earlier this year to discuss the matter, and at least one member of Congress said the US was reconsidering its intelligence partnership [] with the UK.

Johnson had limited how much Huawei [] equipment could be used for 5G networks in the UK, banning the use of the company's technology in the most sensitive parts of the network. He said in January that there were not a lot of other options [] available for the UK's 5G infrastructure, and telecom Vodafone said removing Huawei [] equipment from its networks would be extremely costly.

See also: Reports: UK to cut Huawei's involvement in 5G network []
Boris Johnson forced to reduce Huawei's role in UK's 5G networks []


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