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Judge issues restraining order protecting Unreal Engine development on iOS

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2020-08-25 16:15:15 from the STAR WARS / SDI, Activate! dept.
Business []

A Northern California federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order blocking Apple from going forward with plans to terminate Epic Games' Apple Developer Program account [], which would have had a major impact on the development of Unreal Engine on iOS. At the same time, the judge left in place Apple's current blocking of Fortnite from the iOS App Store after Epic tried to insert an alternative payment platform into the mobile game [].

Microsoft Issues Statement in Support of Epic Games to Remain on Apple Ecosystem []
Epic-Apple Feud Could Also Affect Third-Party Unreal Engine Games []
Fortnite Maker Sues Apple after Removal of Game From App Store []
Fortnite's Android Version Bypasses Google Play to Avoid 30% "Store Tax" []

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