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Doctors fish out more than a dozen tiny maggots from man’s eye

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2022-04-07 13:55:46 from the keep your mandibles off my eyeballs dept.
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On Wednesday, doctors in France reported a rare case of tiny sheep bot fly larvae—aka maggots—infesting the outer surface of a man's eyeball.

The small, spiky larvae were seen slithering around the man's peeper, which explained the redness and itchiness he was experiencing. Doctors counted more than a dozen of the disturbing grub-like critters outside the eyeball and surrounding tissue. Doctors had no choice but to pluck the bloodsuckers out, one by one, using forceps. The doctors also prescribed topical antibiotic treatments in case they missed any bugs
Regarding the case in France, published Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine [], the man was lucky. The infestation was only external ophthalmomyiasis, meaning the larvae didn't get inside his eyeball.

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