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Ed Sheeran Found ‘Not Guilty’ of Copyright Infringement In “Thinking Out Loud” Court Battle

Accepted submission by canopic jug at 2023-05-05 03:11:15 from the now-marvin-won't-write-any-new-ones dept.
Digital Liberty

Entertainer Ed Sheeran has been found not guilty of infringing on four chords used in both his song and in Marvin Gaye's hit, "Let's Get It On". The same four-chord sequence is used in a lot of songs and at a key point in the trial a musicologist testified that the same four-chord sequence has been used in popular songs many times prior to Gaye's 1973 hit. The trial took place in Manhattan in New York and the jury took only three hours to reach a unanimous decision. The two songs featured at the trial also have very different lyrics and melodies as well as different use of the common four chords. While the decision does not form a legal precedent, it is likely to affect similar cases in the future.

During her closing argument, Farkas said the case never should have been brought and that Sheeran was "unjustly accused" of copying from "Let's Get It On."

"We all benefit from artists being free to create and to build on what came before them," Farkas said, warning the jury that a verdict against Sheeran would mean "creativity will be stifled for fear of being sued."



“I am just a guy with a guitar who loves writing music for people to enjoy,” he added. “I am not and will never allow myself to be a piggy bank for anyone to shake.”

--New York Times

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