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The hat came back, no mirror required

Accepted submission by JoeMerchant at 2023-06-03 12:05:40 from the What's better than a flippable Einstein? dept.
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Mathematicians from Yorkshire University, the University of Cambridge, the University of Waterloo and the University of Arkansas have one-upped themselves by finding a close relative of "the hat," a unique geometric shape that does not repeat itself when tiled, that is a true chiral aperiodic monotile

...others in the field pointed out that the shape described by the team was not, technically, a single aperiodic tileā€”it and its mirror image are two unique tiles and both are needed to create the shape described by the team. Apparently agreeing with the assessment of their colleagues, the four mathematicians took another look at their shape and found that by slightly modifying it, the need for its mirror would no longer exist and it indeed repre


One wonders if they have developed special search tools to look for these shapes, or if they just sit around over beers sketching on napkins?

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