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Federal Judge Strikes Down Arizona Law Limiting Recording of Police as Unconstitutional

Accepted submission by fliptop at 2023-07-25 03:57:17 from the take-up-thy-phones-and-record dept.

A federal judge ruled on Friday that Arizona’s law limiting how close people can get to recording law enforcement is unconstitutional []:

In his three-page ruling, [U.S. District Judge] John J. Tuchi said the law violated the First Amendment and “there is a clearly established right to record law enforcement officers engaged in the exercise of their official duties in public places.” He also said the law was too vague.

The judge cited infringement against a clear right for citizens to film police while doing their jobs in his ruling []:

“The law prohibits or chills a substantial amount of First Amendment protected activity and is unnecessary to prevent interference with police officers given other Arizona laws in effect,” Tuchi wrote.

Tuchi suspended the implementation of the law last year. Now, his ruling permanently blocks enforcement.


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