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Linux Foundation Spending on Actual Linux Down to 2% of Their Budget

Accepted submission by canopic jug at 2024-01-01 20:24:23 from the how-low-can-you-go? dept.

Bryan Lunduke has gone over the 2023 Linux Foundation report []. He has observed that the foundation spends even less on the kernel than ever, both in absolute dollars and in percentage of the budget. It spends around 2% on Linux [] and 98% on everything else.

While it's true that The Linux Foundation continues to grow substantially -- now bringing in over a quarter of a Billion dollars per year (seriously) -- the total amount spent on the Linux kernel dropped roughly $400,000 in 2023.   (Not surprising as The Lunduke Journal previously pointed out [] that lowering the total support of Linux appeared to be the goal.)

  • The percentage of The Linux Foundation revenue spent on Linux dropped in 2023.
  • And the total amount spent dropped as well.
  • All while funding of non-Linux projects (such as AI and Blockchain) continued to dominate.

As many notice, budget aside, the foundation does not advance or promote the kernel, rather the opposite. It represents its members' corporate interests inside kernel development. Bruce Perens pointed out about six years ago that the membership the basically amounts to a GPL infringers club [].

(2023) Linux Foundation Launches New Organization to Maintain TLA+ []
(2021) Linux Foundation and Partners Announce "Open 3D Foundation" []
(2021) Linux Foundation Unveils Sigstore []
(2020) Linux Foundation Does Not Eat its Own Dogfood []

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