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Paper mills are bribing editors at scholarly journals

Accepted submission by JoeMerchant at 2024-01-20 18:49:23 from the Academia, not Pulpwood Processors dept.

Paper mills are bribing editors at scholarly journals, Science investigation finds | Science | AAAS []

One evening in June 2023, Nicholas Wise, a fluid dynamics researcher / scientific fraud buster, was digging around on shady Facebook groups where he found someone calling themselves Jack Ben, of a firm whose Chinese name translates to Olive Academic, offering journal editors large sums of cash in return for accepting papers for publication...


Being from pulpwood country, the title led me to believe I would be reading a story [] about how "Big Cardboard []" was bribing [] academia to publish research beneficial to their industry [] - as "Big Oil []" is so famous [] for... Nope, this [] is a different twist, broader [] and even more troubling [].

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