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Switch emulator Suyu hit by GitLab DMCA, project lives on through self-hosting

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2024-03-22 15:42:49 from the surprise surprise surprise dept.
News []

Switch emulator Suyu—a fork of the Nintendo-targeted [] and now-defunct [] emulation project Yuzu—has been taken down from GitLab following a DMCA request Thursday. But the emulation project's open source files remain available on a self-hosted git repo on the Suyu website [], and recent compiled binaries remain available on an extant GitLab repo [].

While the DMCA takedown request has not yet appeared on GitLab's public repository of such requests [], a GitLab spokesperson confirmed to The Verge [] that the project was taken down after the site received notice "from a representative of the rightsholder." GitLab has not specified who made the request or how they represented themselves; a representative for Nintendo was not immediately available to respond to a request for comment.

Previously on SoylentNews:
Here's How the Makers of the “Suyu” Switch Emulator Plan to Avoid Getting Sued [] - 20240318
Switch Emulator Makers Agree to Pay $2.4 Million to Settle Nintendo Lawsuit [] - 20240308
Emulation Community Expresses Defiance in Wake of Nintendo's Yuzu Lawsuit [] - 20240303

Original Submission