from the their-tubes,-their-rules,-no-matter-the-illogic dept.
The Toronto Sun reports that professor Jordan B. Peterson suspects political reasons may have been behind Google's recent decision to shut down his gmail account, which kept him from uploading new videos to his popular youtube channel. Peterson became famous months ago when he posted a video critical of Canada's proposed bill C-16 that he argued would compel Canadians to use gender-neutral pronouns at risk of fines and imprisonment. His 15-year-old gmail account was shut down on Tuesday without explanation. When he complained to Google, he was told only that it was shut down for a violation of their terms of service. He called on other popular youtubers to help, and his account was reinstated without explanation. Mister Metokur (language warning) has an interesting take on the Peterson situation and the broader issue of YouTube's control of content, including their new plan to put some videos into a "limited state."
[Anti-JS folk may have more luck viewing the text of the Toronto Sun article by bypassing the content-hiding CSS. -- Ed.(FP)]
(Score: 3, Disagree) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:21AM (35 children)
There are heaps of free video hosting platforms.
(Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:25AM (17 children)
Lets ban c0lo from soylent. There are heaps of other news sites with comments sections.
(Score: 3, Touché) by The Mighty Buzzard on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:31AM (8 children)
Not me, if I break our history of never banning anyone in our history it's gonna be for someone I'd enjoy banning more.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:57AM (5 children)
I would have expected you to say "we don't ban people except under very narrow circumstances outlined in our policies." But then again I am not too surprised, you're a born fascist just waiting for an excuse to turn on your own ideals. Or perhaps they aren't your own, just a neat system that was convenient since other platforms didn't like you.
(Score: 5, Funny) by The Mighty Buzzard on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:37AM (1 child)
It's called a joke, son. Look it up. If I were gonna site ban anyone it'd be martyb. It'd be funny seeing how long it took him to undo it in the db.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @07:04PM
"Its just a prank bro" or" its just a joke son".
Assholes trying to pretend they aren't assholes tends to always sound the same.
(Score: 2) by Wootery on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:22PM
Interesting interpretation of the facts.
So your thinking is that because TMB hasn't betrayed his principles, that means he must just be waiting for the opportunity to do so, right?
Never change, ACs.
(Score: 2) by wonkey_monkey on Tuesday August 08 2017, @07:12PM (1 child)
So all doctors are just serial killers in waiting?
systemd is Roko's Basilisk
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 12 2017, @10:53PM
Some combine serial killing with medicine. [] No waiting. ;)
(Score: 2) by Sulla on Tuesday August 08 2017, @06:26PM (1 child)
So the difference between TMB and Google is that one actually stands by their principles
Ceterum censeo Sinae esse delendam
(Score: 4, Funny) by The Mighty Buzzard on Tuesday August 08 2017, @08:49PM
That and they can afford way better boats and other fishing-related stuff. It's okay though, I get to go fishing more often than they do.
My rights don't end where your fear begins.
(Score: 2, Interesting) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:34AM (7 children)
I just can't wait for this to happen, one less addiction.
Meanwhile, I'm offering you the pleasure of wasting time reading my comments, replying to them and modding them Troll - makes this comment section so much lively.
(large grin)
(Score: 3, Insightful) by aristarchus on Tuesday August 08 2017, @03:09AM (6 children)
If you ban c0lo, you will have to ban me first! And The Mayently Broussard! But ban TMB first, as a stress test on the system.
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @05:50AM (3 children)
Thanks, magister, for taking my side... it really means something**
But, strictly speaking, I think the software (as PERLy and badly written as it would be) allows banning users independently.
** I hope someday I'll get to understand exactly what it means :)
(Score: 2) by aristarchus on Tuesday August 08 2017, @07:22AM (2 children)
As surely you know, Parmenides of Elea wrote that there are two paths, the path of truth, and the path of falsehood. I am on your side because we are both on one of these two paths. The Buzzard is on the other. The only way to distinguish them, according to Parmenides, is that the way of falsehood talks of differences between thing, like between cold and hot, wet and dry, male and female. But Parmenides points out, that ultimately, the only thing that distinguishes one thing from another is that it is not that (first) thing. And "not being" something is precisely "nothing". So when males are "not" females, the pure lack of being female is not something that can exist, so we are talking about nothing.
I have to say, when it comes to talking about nothing, and messing with the more, um, ontologically challenged here on SoylentNews, there is no one I would rather have at my side than c0lo. We are a team of sceptics, on the path of truth.
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @08:22AM
Hey, I just have been pointed out that I might be on the path of dystopian exotic materialism [].
Seems I stumbled over something totally new []**; if you don't mind, I think I'll put my scepticism (sic) aside and wander on this path for a while.
Come over; take TMB with you, I reckon a change of mind will do good to him.
** (link is safe, it's only SN eating away the quote around the search term)
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @02:27PM
> ...the path of truth, and the path of falsehood. ...
Where is the mod for "erudite"? I've got the points...
(Score: 2) by fido_dogstoyevsky on Tuesday August 08 2017, @06:56AM (1 child)
This is the start of an orderly queue.
It's NOT a conspiracy... it's a plot.
(Score: 2) by aristarchus on Tuesday August 08 2017, @07:44AM
You're next, fido, you dog of Russia, you!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:41AM (2 children)
I'm curious why he was modded troll for this comment? Is this identity politics being played out on SN?
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:46AM (1 child)
At a guess, it was for his glibness and for willfully ignoring Youtube's dominance [].
(Score: 2) by FatPhil on Tuesday August 08 2017, @09:03AM
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
(Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:43AM (9 children)
Modding parent troll is a bit harsh imho. It's a fair point. Argue against it instead of reaching for that moderate button!
As the Oracle at Google cracks down more, the crackdowns will become more arbitrary. Sooner or later, an alternative service needs to come along. I guess we can all hope it's distributed. But we know it won't be.
How is somebody censored by the Oracle at Google to get his or her message out?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:55AM
Nono, the alters need their safe spaces and thus must purge users such as Colo from their sight.
Once the centralized systems clamp down too hard the people will shift over to the distributed systems. However, if we really get that far down the dystopian path then it is quite likely there will be laws against encryption and P2P systems.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:57AM (6 children)
One single downmod and everyone shits their pants.
It's as if they don't know downmodding can be a form of trolling.
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:05AM (5 children)
Maybe not the taste most enjoy, but I find being modded Troll is actually good when accompanied by a side-serve of comments.
Troll-downmoding without comments is just sad for those engaging in such self-satisfying lonely act. (but maybe some like being sad, who am I to judge?)
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:36AM (1 child)
But loneliness is more deadly than being morbidly obese, so troll modding without comments is an act of violence against you (grin).
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:49AM
Ah, thanks for the concerns for my well being, but... no worries, mate. I have enough personalities to never be alone.
(this is why I need to keep working on the other line - the one with obesity... patience, my friend, I'll get there eventually)
Hey! Stop you grinnin',... []
(Score: -1, Offtopic) by fakefuck39 on Tuesday August 08 2017, @04:17AM
So, honest question. Why in the world would anyone have scores or moderations displayed? It seems to me like moderation is like when you give a stupid crying baby a toy steering wheel so it doesn't cry in the car. It thinks it's steering, and it shuts the little turd up. But it's not something interesting to look at.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @05:06AM (1 child)
If you respond to a comment that you have modded Troll, your moderation was most likely wrong. Don't feed the troll and all that.
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @05:29AM
I can see you point for genuine/sincere modding as Troll
Though, we were discussing in the context of "It's as if they don't know downmodding can be a form of trolling." - the case the modder is trolling by mismodding.
If that's the mindset, then grow a pair, go full way and post a trolling comment - even better that comment can be funny; come on, share with the others your joy or sarcasm or whatever satisfied you.
Just to see the rating going down with one is such a petty lonely self-satisfaction is almost despicably bland.
(I'm almost tempted to start my S/N journal with the "A guide to respectable trolling" series - large grin)
(Score: 1) by nitehawk214 on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:43PM
What does this have to do with databases?
"Don't you ever miss the days when you used to be nostalgic?" -Loiosh
(Score: 5, Insightful) by unauthorized on Tuesday August 08 2017, @02:18AM (3 children)
The "fuss" is that the gatekeepers of information are trying to control public opinion.
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @03:03AM (1 child)
What happened with "Information wants to be free"?
(only half grinning this time - those too young to know enough about pre-streaming era start here [].
With cheap streaming, turned out that information is just pleased to be cheap and controlled - I wonder what happened with "free" meantime?)
(Score: 2) by kaszz on Tuesday August 08 2017, @08:19AM
What happened is that a lot of technical idiots came to internet lured by easy services for free. And a lot of people got lazy because the services were easy to use and free. Freedom is had by producing secure platforms for distribution and storage that is independent on any specific server.
What is needed is some kind of DarkNet-tube with performance similar to that of the current video services. Often viewed videos can be cached locally. Rare videos will be harder as they will need to be stored somewhere. Bittorrent is kind of doing this, but it gives away where the data is stored.
(Score: -1, Flamebait) by fakefuck39 on Tuesday August 08 2017, @04:44AM
And here I was thinking a private business that gives someone free email service is free to shut it down for any or no reason at any point. Yeah, let's live in your world, where you start a business and are not free to do what you want with your business.
The fuss is retards like you who only see ahead the distance of their next step and have zero actual thought. Those retards. They're everywhere. Hey, can you tell us how google violated the first amendment? We're genuinely interested in seeing things you type. I personally, am on this site to get entertainment. By laughing at retards. Retards like you.
(Score: 5, Touché) by tekk on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:27AM (2 children)
I'm having trouble believing that for some reason...might be how gmail only entered its closed beta in 2004.
(Score: 0, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:31AM
April 1, 2004; 13 years ago.
What else is the anti-SJW attention whore lying about?
(Score: 4, Funny) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:17AM
Hey, the venerable professor is likely programming in Java for 25 years, in Swift for another 10 and is using C++17 since 1970 - how else do you think the HR dept shortlisted him?
(Score: 5, Funny) by realDonaldTrump on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:31AM (3 children)
They're demonetizing -- that's what they call it -- taking away the ads from conservative videos. The Young Turks, plenty of ads, great, I mean, it's not great, it's great for them. But go to a conservative channel? No ads. Where are the ads? YouTube took them away. And took away the money. No money for conservative vloggers, folks. Very unfair! Trust me, I don't need the money, I'm making barrels of money because I'm the President. But it's unfair to my beautiful conservative vloggers. Our Internet is going to hell. We have to start a process where we take back our Internet. We've got to put America first on our Internet. 🇺🇸
(Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:53AM
But that's not unfair at all!!!
While the progressive channels have all the ads and their message is interrupted, fragmented and diluted to the max by them, Google took care that the message of conservative vloggers are received in the best conditions possible by the viewers!
If you what it to call this discrimination, fine.
But mind you, this is positive discrimination, the same kind it is usually applied to... (ummm, what the progressivist political correct SJW term for it? Ah, yes)... different-abled people.
(however, it is not Google's fault that their message still come out as a jumble of terms or concepts brought together and stitched with duct-tape).
(large trollish grin)
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:54AM (1 child)
Hey! What happened to with #MAGA?
Where/when did it disappear?
(Score: 5, Touché) by realDonaldTrump on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:10AM
Sometimes I say it with different words, but every day I'm making America great again. Taking back our Internet is a big part of that. Obama surrendered American Internet control to foreign powers. I want to see Bill Gates about closing it up. 🇺🇸
(Score: 2, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:38AM (7 children)
The G can do no wrong! /sarcasm
I miss the good old days, when people bitched about Google, but they had little evidence that Google was doing "wrong". Today, Google has learned how to suck a basketball through a garden hose, and they're trying to suck the whole frigging world through that hose.
More and more of us are going to be anti-Google as time passes.
A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:55AM (3 children)
Wait till there is real "meddling" in the next election by the likes of google and facebook. This is what we get for giving the internet over to advertising companies.
(Score: 2) by SacredSalt on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:26AM (2 children)
You are implying there wasn't in the last election?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:41AM (1 child)
Some trolls pushing right wing articles pale in comparison to what Google and FB can do in concert with the MSM. While you guys were busy circle jerking about trump they consolidated and upped their game. When the useful idiot is out of office you'll grow old and die before you see anything run against the narrative again.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @02:54AM
Different AC here. Glad there's some actual comments here.
I was thinking more about the visibility of Bernie Sanders in the media, definitely in the mainstream media where he practically didn't exist.
FB didn't seem to be doing that last season finale of The Candidate. At least I seemed to get lots of Bernie stuff on my timeline. However, I would not put something like that past fuckerberg for an instant.
The one thing the media did make completely overblown was the alt-right crap. Pepe the Frog being where it jumped the shark. (Or maybe that's when I just stopped paying attention because mainstream had proven to be incredibly worthless at that point.)
I'm not sure how to even get people to care about finding what's really going on when they seem to love the narrative of The Candidate, the hot reality TV show every 4 years, more and more each season. Our political process itself is our circus, with the twist that it gives the masses the illusion of control when they are actually choosing at a subconscious level to completely give up control. Then they vote according to their sports team designation. I don't think this people can be salvaged, but we'll see what happens when the bread runs out.
Give it another thousand years of dark ages, probably with a cyberpunk twist, and then humans might feel slightly more serious about building a unified, sustainable global civilization. Of course, by then, there likely will be native humans born on other planets, probably Mars, maybe Venus (floating cities in the clouds, not quite as good looking as Bespin, though), so then the next goal will be a system-wide sustainable civilization. I'm certain there will be Martian exceptionalism. Figure that out, then it's finally time to make a credible effort to reach the stars and finally join the Galactic Federation.
If only to be able to enter cryosleep for 10,000 years.
Or hell, knowing my luck, I'd do that, and it'd turn out to be Morlocks and Eloi.
(Score: 2, Funny) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:58AM
Cool down, pop, don't hold your breath.
More and more of us will be dead before enough of us will be anti-Google (me included, even if some full years younger than you).
(Score: 4, Funny) by SacredSalt on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:23AM
Its a competition between Google, Facebook, and companies like Patreon for how fast they can turn into the equivalents off Geocities, Altavista, and Myspace.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:27AM
We need alternatives, not 'anti'
Let's stop complaining and start creating... keep it anonymous and they can't shut you down.
(Score: 5, Interesting) by andersjm on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:01AM (30 children)
The full text of C-16. [] Very short. Just go read it.
This is supposed to "compel Canadians to use gender-neutral pronouns"??
My working theory is that this Jordan B. Peterson is a jackass, and that's why his youtube channel got shut down.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:15AM (16 children)
A non-binary Canadian lawyer is already claiming [] that C-16 does require use of preferred pronouns.
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:23AM (15 children)
Someone please explain what this means? "Canadian lawyer" do make sense together, but (really-really) I have no clue what "non-binary" means in the context.
(Score: 4, Informative) by Arik on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:28AM (12 children)
If laughter is the best medicine, who are the best doctors?
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:37AM (11 children)
Ah, thanks.
I was worried there are people who claim 64 genders or something on this line.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @01:49AM (10 children)
A person labeling themselves as non-binary may believe there are 64 or an essentially infinite amount of gender flavors. 16,777,216 shades of grey.
Facebook's list of options [] is by no means fully inclusive.
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @02:02AM (9 children)
Oh, shit.
I just need to know what data type to use for the "gender" column the database of a system which will need to run at least until 2025 (after 2025, the support will be paid on individual contracts, I only something that's safe by then)
Will UINT64 do, you reckon?
(Score: 2) by MostCynical on Tuesday August 08 2017, @02:34AM
Mp pm.They'll simplify it soon -you'll get to choose one of 20 or so.
Then there will be complaints ("none of the choices represent me "), then conservative nations/states will start forceful re -alignment... then you will only need to choose one of two again.
"I guess once you start doubting, there's no end to it." -Batou, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @02:35AM
There are only 7 billion people on the planet. Allow another few hundred for various confused animals and a 32 bit Int would get you about halfway. UINT64 should be fine.
(Score: 2) by edIII on Tuesday August 08 2017, @03:44AM (1 child)
Probably some sort of enumerated type variable like what you find in PostgreSQL. The length of the name is limited, but can be recompiled for those cases when the name of the gender exceeds 63 bytes and are quite a mouthful.
Aside from the limitation on gender name length, I'm pretty sure you can populate it with hundreds of types. That should satisfy most peoples needs to have their safe spaces expanded throughout reality. Guess I'm stuck in the past with gender being a triple state boolean (male, female, or null/not declared) ;)
At the current rate though, I suspect we will convert the gender from a drop down to a color wheel.
Technically, lunchtime is at any moment. It's just a wave function.
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @04:24AM
(oh, how I wish now I've used a smiley. I though that uint64 is a a giveaway. Sorry about that).
(Score: 2) by Arik on Tuesday August 08 2017, @03:55AM (1 child)
You see, they used to have a column for 'sex.' Then we raised a generation of people that were embarrassed just to say the word, so they tried to change it to something less vulgar. And so they stole the world 'gender' which seemed a fairly safe one to steal, since English doesn't actually have a category of gender so we don't need it for that, and most English speakers that were familiar with the word already knew it from the study of French or Spanish, which do have gender categories that kind-of-sort-of-almost match our categories for sex.
Short term thinking that's come back to bite the ass though. Seriously, no one's embarrassed by the word 'sex' anymore, just put it back where it belongs.
If laughter is the best medicine, who are the best doctors?
(Score: 1, Redundant) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @04:22AM
Yes, thank you, I'll put the sex where it belong (let's hope it will still work... Age, you see?)
Oh, you were speaking about "sex - the word"... sorry about that.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @06:30AM (1 child)
My gender-identity is non-numeric and non-enumerable!
Look, can I just put a crayon drawing into your database? .... no, I can't promise it's not goatse.
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Tuesday August 08 2017, @07:12AM
Fine, then here's the column spec
Even better, it's not indexable, thus whoever want to discriminate on GENDER will have to wait huge amount of time for their query to complete.
Yeap. But (as you can see above) you'll have to ASCII-art first.
(Score: 3, Informative) by Zinho on Tuesday August 08 2017, @04:10PM
the author of the QNTM blog has written a pair [] of treatises [] on this exact topic that you may find enlightening.
"Space Exploration is not endless circles in low earth orbit." -Buzz Aldrin
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @12:46PM
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @03:28PM
I think it means he's (it's?) a star! A lonely, lonely star that has no nearby stars to play with, wandering, wandering in hopeless night.
Or he's just stoned immaculate.
(Score: 2, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @03:18AM (5 children)
Their previous list of what are effectively equivalent to protected classes in America included your typical stuff: color, race, age, sex, etc. They added in 'gender identity or expression.' The other things, for the most part, are immediately identifiable. There are some exceptions such as religion, which can be invisible. However, there's one very dangerous issue in "gender identity." Many people who claim to be female look very much like male cross dressers. Now calling them a 'he' could be considered a "Wilful [sik?! in a legal code] promotion of hatred."
And Canada's laws on "Wilful promotion of hatred" are extremely draconian. It states that any communication, by any means other than private conversation, that willfully promotes hatred (which is not defined) is guilty of an offense that can result in 2 years imprisonment, and most chillingly - is punishable by summary conviction. Summary conviction means that a person can be charged, judged, and sentenced in one fell swoop without trial or indictment. And the police can also arrest you if you enage in a summary offense, without an arrest warrant. I'm certain what I said above about many individuals claiming to be female appearing as cross dressing males could be spun as a "Wilful promotion of hatred." The fact one would need to be worried about being arrested and imprisoned in Canada for making a statement of plain fact is... disconcerting.
In any sort of law, I'd encourage people not to think just about the current situation - but also about the implications of said laws once less 'friendly' forces get into power, which will inevitably happen. Many people have disagreed with the actions Trump has taken, yet the extreme centralization of executive power enabling him to do so is something they supported when their party was in power - as if it always would be.
(Score: 2) by dry on Tuesday August 08 2017, @05:29AM
A summary conviction does take a trial, true that you don't get a jury, at that for indictable offences with maximum sentences of less then 5 years, you also don't get a jury. And it is true that if a cop catches you in the act of committing a summary offence, they can arrest you, much the same as an indictable offence except that they can wait as long as they want before the arrest. The police do need an arrest warrant if they don't catch you doing the offence. There is a 6 month limit for charges to be laid. No finger prints when arrested for a summary offence unlike America where they take your finger prints for any reason. There are a couple of more steps in the appeal process but of course you can appeal, all the way to the Supreme Court sometimes. And tried in Provincial Court and if found guilty and sentenced, time is served in Provincial gaol.
Considering how wrong you are about summary offences, the rest of your rant seems just like that, a rant []
(Score: 4, Informative) by cubancigar11 on Tuesday August 08 2017, @07:46AM (2 children)
It is important to mention here that Canada, unlike most of the world, doesn't have double-jeopardy. So you can be tried again and again until you get convicted, which is what is really at stake here. The feminazis have already changed the law of evidence to get a conviction of Jian Gomeshi (whose only fault was to be into bdsm with full consent).
A lot of people who are clueless about law don't know how judiciary works. I am not surprised, having spent more than a decade among these same people, that they were supporting NewYorkCountryLawyer's interpretations when any sane man (replace with your gender) could tell where the case was going in. You guys remember that, right?
My best guess is that a large number of these people who did have the misfortune to attend a court hearing have settled out of court and are just as blissfully unaware of the difference between practice and theory as they are about their politics.
Jordan Peterson is a conservative christian professor of psychology. Even if he or his supporters were factually wrong, there was no reason to ban him, except that he was a dissenter. Having seen some of his videos, he is civil, logical, open for ideas and debates. His detractors have been violent, abusive, authoritarian and unwilling to open a dialogue.
What nobody seems to talk about is how he was banned: a bunch of SJWs report-bombed his account in a well-coordinated attack. This allowed one of their 'connections' in Google to get the opportunity to ban him. The reality is that as traditional media becomes a mouthpiece for the government and social media takes the role of opposing government, this attack is going to come back. Because system is neither left or right, it is a bunch of power hungry maniacs controlling the society. They have already failed once in controlling the USA election and it looks like they are don't want to make the same mistake wherever there is less focus on the rights and more focus on roles.
It is always funny to see people who spend their time defending the victimhood of forced gender roles, using the same privilege of victimhood to beat-down the powerless. It makes sense though, as bullied become bigger bullies and trying to have a peaceful conversation is the only crime in this world.
(Score: 2) by kaszz on Tuesday August 08 2017, @09:25AM (1 child)
So CBC and Canada is abusing Jian Gomeshi in much the same way as Drupal [] with Larry Garfield, that commits non-conformity crime on his free time.
Unfortunately it seems Canada rotting from within and the symptoms are C-16 gender identity [] thought crime and M-103 Blasphemy [] laws.
Sincerely. CBC and Drupal - Go f--k yourself. Deeply.
So let's see... All this ends up with society controlling peoples life and having rubber laws that can be used to accuse and punish anyone without proper proof or due process, in reality, not what the paper product specify. And such societies have eerie similarities with totalitarian regimes directing brainwashed thugs. It all ends up with billionaires and banksters enslaving everyone else.
(Score: 2) by cubancigar11 on Tuesday August 08 2017, @10:12AM
There are already many places like that. The only thing that is saving western democracies are the riches. Once the economy starts tanking people will be too busy, just like in third world countries, to worry about human rights violation or revocation of legal rights of their neighbours.
The only solution is to have more economic equality. Who and how is anyone going to achieve that?
(Score: 2) by tangomargarine on Tuesday August 08 2017, @02:17PM
It's actually [sic] [].
This has been your Pretentious English Lesson of the Day.
"Is that really true?" "I just spent the last hour telling you to think for yourself! Didn't you hear anything I said?"
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @04:03AM
That's why sie/hir YouTube channel got shut down.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by julian on Tuesday August 08 2017, @04:24AM (2 children)
He thinks C-16 opens up the possibility that the issue could be brought not to a court, but a human rights tribunal with a lower standard of evidence. So it's at least a possibility, and maybe it's worth having someone raise the issue. So he might be wrong but understandably doesn't want it to get that far to find out. Canada doesn't have the sort of robust, overruling, protection for freedom of expression like we have in the USA.
He's certainly profoundly confused about a great many other things outside his narrow expertise of psychology.
His ideas about religion are absurd, at the very least. Anyone who thinks Christianity is true because it's useful to believe it is, and things that are useful reveal metaphysical truths about the universe, is a moron. His entire epistemology is a rube-goldberg device to justify being a Christian conservative when he could just say he has faith and leave it at that. But he's actually *too* educated to play the faith card. It obviously doesn't sit well with him, so he has to find some philosophical justification for being a theocrat. Since this doesn't exist (and can't) he makes up the convoluted system of muddled thinking which allows The Bible's metaphysical claims to become true simply by reflecting the humans who wrote it.
The evolved apes who wrote the bible wrote a book about the morality of evolved apes. Dr. Peterson, you're a genius!
(Score: 2) by dry on Tuesday August 08 2017, @05:47AM
Human Rights Tribunals can be appealed to the courts, and freedom of expression issues are usually overturned by the courts unless you're actually realistically inciting things like genocide.
Our Charter of Rights has as section 2
It is limited as there are reasons such as national security and child porn to limit speech and we didn't want to be like America where the government is so used to ignoring the Bill of Rights for reasonable things that it has become a habit.
You can compare the USA and Canada here, [] neither is perfect.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @10:03PM
I also find some of his ideas about religion to be absurd but that's because I find religion absurd. Hardly the first person I've encountered who's read Nietzsche, dealt with psychopaths and had to defensively backstop themselves to prevent the void consuming them. Usually it's Buddhism as opposed to Christianity though.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @05:41AM
The text of Title IX [] is that "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance," with a few clarifications and exemptions.
This presently compels all teachers and students to use gender-neutral pronouns and agree with transgender theology, to report any students whose romantic relationships are outside of the permitted norms, and requires schools to establish a separate legal system where the accused are automatically guilty and cannot be exonerated by evidence. Every year students are required by Title IX to take an online quiz in which they have to actively renounce such old-fashioned ideas as thinking that the constitution doesn't allow the federal government this much control over students' speech and private lives.
You haven't been to a school lately, have you?
(Score: 2) by FatPhil on Tuesday August 08 2017, @09:24AM
This is doing the rounds - I have no idea what level of truthiness it has:
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @07:50PM
Clean up your room, bucko! []
(Score: 5, Insightful) by boxfetish on Tuesday August 08 2017, @02:44AM (6 children)
This story has too much of a "je ne sais fausse nouvelle" about it. We are to believe that Google has nothing better to do than surreptitiously delete the gmail account of a hyperbolic Canadian who is characterizing a bill which extends Canada's hate speech laws to include gender expression/identity? Delusions of grandeur with a side of victimhood? I don't even like or agree with laws like this, but considering the kind of garbage that is still allowed on youtube without being sanitized or demonetized by Google, I am not buying the Alex Jones like conspiracy angle for why his Google account was disabled for a short time.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @03:22AM (1 child)
Lol! That's all it was?!
Some cisgendered people seem to be really insecure with their gender identity! And I mean not even with their sexuality! Their own gender identity! As if a linguistic construct that doesn't even consistently present itself in all the languages in the world could be the one thing that defines their fragile handle on what gender they are! Bwahahaha! Wait, I thought everybody knew what gender they were, even if only at a subconscious level. Huh, that's odd. Said hyperbolic Canadian seems to be gender-confused. Goodness! I hope he figures it out soon!
Now Soylentils, when our hyperbolic Canadian friend is ready to share with us what she found after bucketing out the waters of the subconscious hoping to find Iron John, let's be super-supportive of her! Not everybody is going to find a warrior woman with many talents, more talents than one will ever need, down there when they find the figure is a woman instead of the anticipated Iron John....
(Score: 2) by boxfetish on Wednesday August 09 2017, @01:12AM
I college (15-20 years ago) I lived in a "commune" (it was actually a cooperative) with a "woman" who decided that her gender was "pirate". Nope, I am not kidding and neither was she. Today, I still don't understand what the practical implications of this pirate gender were. I also lived with several transgendered or gender indeterminate people during this time, all insisted on being referred to with the pronoun "they/their". Every single one of them was fairly easy going about it, though, and would correct you if you forgot, without any anger or exasperation. I think those days are gone. I still think fines or imprisonment for incorrect gender pronoun use is not going to happen in Canada or anywhere else, despite was some overzealous trans-Canadian lawyer says.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 08 2017, @03:30AM
You have to keep in mind that Google is not just Sergey Brin and Larry Page. It's an absurdly large company of more than 57,000 employees.
The sort of employee that would be tasked with filtering content beyond what their AI systems are capable of would be incredibly low level, and is often outsourced to companies who further outsource the work. They'd go through the countless thousands of things that were reported but not blocked by AI systems, and then using a very specific flowchart decide whether any reprimand should be applied. The point I'm getting at here is that these people aren't exactly the top notch engineers you'd generally think of when you think of Google. And so yes, these individuals unilaterally engaging in petty or political acts is highly predictable. It's happened numerous times before. Google remedies the problem and the person responsible is now going to be out of job.
(Score: 2) by kaszz on Tuesday August 08 2017, @09:33AM
Google has better things to do. But people that google wants to be friendly with does not have better things to do so they tow the line and jumps as high as requested.
(Score: 2) by DeathMonkey on Tuesday August 08 2017, @04:48PM (1 child)
We are to believe that Google has nothing better to do than surreptitiously delete the gmail account of a hyperbolic Canadian...
A hyperbolic Canadian on YouTube. Why in the hell would they ban his email account and NOT his YouTube account?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 12 2017, @12:14AM
The article quotes the Washington Times: "...his YouTube account was locked...[He said onTwitter] I cannot post new YouTube videos, including last week’s Biblical lecture. No access."
(Score: 2) by inertnet on Tuesday August 08 2017, @10:42AM
Is still available?