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posted by martyb on Sunday March 24 2019, @02:43PM   Printer-friendly
from the 1984 dept.

New Zealand has banned possession of Tarrant's manifesto and it is mentioned that possessing the manifesto is a crime. None of the articles I read noted what the penalties are for possession, so I looked up the law referenced in the article above, the "Films, Videos & Publications Classification Act 1993". The maximum penalties are pretty staggering if I have these figured right:

New Zealand does have a Bill of Rights of sorts, but it is merely a statute rather than a superseding law — in other words, it's just fluff because typically, specific statutes prevail over general statutes and so a later enacted censorship law is going to trump a general 1A type "guarantee" of the freedom of expression. Worse, the NZ Bill of Rights has a built-in neutering provision:

Section 4 specifically denies the Act any supremacy over other legislation. The section states that Courts looking at cases under the Act cannot implicitly repeal or revoke, or make invalid or ineffective, or decline to apply any provision of any statute made by parliament, whether before or after the Act was passed because it is inconsistent with any provision of this Bill of Rights.

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  • (Score: 2, Insightful) by VLM on Sunday March 24 2019, @02:59PM (12 children)

    by VLM (445) on Sunday March 24 2019, @02:59PM (#819011)

    Note New Zealand is a pretty shitty place to live, so don't be surprised it has shitty laws.

    For example, take the case of []

    Armed robber kills three people, got about a hundred convictions so he's in the can a long time, but he only got three years for killing three people. []

    Killed two relatives, got ten years each

    The whole issue is merely Orwellian political censorship, because there's a genocide underway in NZ and "they" are trying to make it illegal to complain about it, and/or maybe the opposite being a weird attempt at drawing attention to the banned media via the Streisand effect.

    On one hand there's racists in NZ who won't rest until the last white person has been replaced with a brown person, and on the other hand nobody would care about some political screed if the government hadn't made the thoughtcrime of reading it worse than they punish murder.

    • (Score: 4, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:12PM (6 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:12PM (#819022)

      there's a genocide underway in NZ


      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:31PM (1 child)

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:31PM (#819034)

        Of course the original ethnic group known as Kiwis was murdered by the pests brought in by the group currently called kiwis. We've been trying to stomp them out for years, but they keep breeding and immigrating. :-P

        • (Score: 2) by Bot on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:44PM

          by Bot (3902) on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:44PM (#819072) Journal

          I will never understand why the guys who have been victims of immigration are OK with other immigration. "The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less."

          Account abandoned.
      • (Score: 1, Flamebait) by Ethanol-fueled on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:10PM

        by Ethanol-fueled (2792) on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:10PM (#819138) Homepage

        I wouldn't call it a genocide, but I would call it a disarmament.

        New Zealand is the place where all of the elite are buying bug-out pads for when the populations of their home nations finally pick up those pitchforks and guns and come after them for being greedy pieces of shit. It makes perfect sense that New Zealand itself be disarmed to provide a more safe place for the elite. Globalist shitbags have been trying to accomplish this in the U.S. but have failed spectacularly, but it appears they have a pretty good track record of succeeding everywhere else they try this shit.

        This is why the (((media))) are trying to push silence every time something like this happens. They have some vague manufactured evidence that it happened, then tell the rest of the public that they are not allowed to actually scrutinize that same evidence. It's a lot like if Obama were to have made it illegal to view anything regarding Bin Laden (and we all remember the "official" "nothing-to-see-here-move-along" "death" of Bin Laden). They ignore all the stories of kids and other innocents brutally slaughtered by immigrants, but one guy with a Pepe the frog t-shirt decides to shoot somebody and OOOYYYY VEEEEEY! Anuddah HOLOCAUST!

      • (Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @09:44PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @09:44PM (#819172)

        there's a genocide underway in NZ


        VLM, all he wants for the Fourth of July is a white genocide. In other words, racist fake news! Kind of thing Tucker Carlson whispers, late at night, to Trump and to his Roomba.

      • (Score: 2) by realDonaldTrump on Sunday March 24 2019, @09:44PM

        by realDonaldTrump (6614) on Sunday March 24 2019, @09:44PM (#819173) Homepage Journal

        "This is ethnic replacement. This is cultural replacement. This is racial replacement. This is WHITE GENOCIDE." The Manifesto.

      • (Score: 2) by driverless on Monday March 25 2019, @03:59AM

        by driverless (4770) on Monday March 25 2019, @03:59AM (#819308)

        It's this []. It also marks the OP as either a white supremacist or neo-Nazi, it's a major article of faith for that lot.

    • (Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:52PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:52PM (#819043)

      any five eyes country is shitty and filled with morons

    • (Score: 5, Touché) by PartTimeZombie on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:26PM (3 children)

      by PartTimeZombie (4827) on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:26PM (#819144)

      Note New Zealand is a pretty shitty place to live...

      You've lived here for how long?

      Killed two relatives, got ten years each

      Yeah, thanks for that, from the country that sends more people to prison than any other.

      On one hand there's racists in NZ who won't rest until the last white person has been replaced with a brown person...

      I wonder when they're bringing my brown replacement in. It's been 50-odd years and I'm yet to see him.

      New Zealand is a long way from perfect, but frankly you live in a country where you can be bankrupted for getting sick. Don't tell me I live in a shitty country.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @11:18PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @11:18PM (#819220)

        You've lived here for how long?

        It's part of the Five Eyes. Any country that conducts mass surveillance is necessarily very shitty.

      • (Score: 2) by driverless on Monday March 25 2019, @04:01AM

        by driverless (4770) on Monday March 25 2019, @04:01AM (#819309)

        See also this [] to explain where the OP is coming from.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @07:22PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @07:22PM (#819694)

        fuck new zealand and your hijab wearing dhimmis. i will do my best to make sure i don't buy anything from new zealand and will never visit there. what a waste of nice land though.

  • (Score: 1) by RandomFactor on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:02PM (3 children)

    by RandomFactor (3682) Subscriber Badge on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:02PM (#819014) Journal []

    I counted 32 different classifications.

    В «Правде» нет известий, в «Известиях» нет правды
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:06PM (2 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:06PM (#819079)

      borken link

      • (Score: 1) by RandomFactor on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:25PM (1 child)

        by RandomFactor (3682) Subscriber Badge on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:25PM (#819143) Journal

        Dang, sort of yes.

        When I clicked it I got the same error thing and had to cancel. Then once I did that and clicked around to a couple of pages, presumably I got a brand new cookie, and the link worked fine again when I clicked it a second time. Annoying.

        So rather than make everyone click twice, without further ado:

        All Unrestricted Includes "unrestricted without rating", "not indecent", G, A, Y, GY, GA, PG, 13, 16 and M.
        Unrestricted without rating No restriction on the availability of the publication, and no recommendation of suitable audience.
        G Suitable for general audiences (OFLC); approved for general exhibition (CCF).
        A General exhibition: recommended as more suitable for adults (CCF).
        Y General exhibition: recommended as more suitable for persons 13 years of age and over (CCF).
        G* General exhibition: * recommended as suitable for an audience specified by the Chief Censor (CCF).
        GA General exhibition: recommended as more suitable for adults (CCF).
        GY General exhibition: recommended as more suitable for persons 13 years of age and over (CCF).
        PG Unrestricted. PG: Parental guidance recommended for younger viewers (OFLC); Parental guidance recommended for persons under 13 years (VRA).
        M Unrestricted. M: Suitable for mature audiences 16 years of age and over (OFLC).
        13 Not indecent: suitable for persons 13 years of age and over (VRA).
        16 Not indecent: suitable for persons 16 years of age and over (VRA).
        R* Approved for exhibition only to a type of audience specified by the Chief Censor (CCF).
        RP13 Restricted to persons 13 years of age and over unless accompanied by a parent or guardian (CCF,VRA, OFLC).
        R13 Restricted to persons 13 years of age and over (CCF, OFLC).
        R15 Restricted to persons 15 years of age and over (OFLC).
        RP16 Restricted to persons 16 years of age and over unless accompanied by a parent or guardian (CCF,VRA, OFLC).
        R16 Restricted to persons 16 years of age and over (CCF, OFLC).
        R17 Restricted to persons 17 years of age and over (OFLC).
        RP18 Restricted to persons 18 years of age and over unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
        R18 Restricted to persons 18 years of age and over.
        R specified person Restricted to a specified person.
        R class of persons Restricted to a specified class of persons.
        R study Restricted to persons for the purpose of study or to persons enrolled in a course of studies at an academic institution.
        R film festival Restricted to exhibition at a specified film festival.
        R film society Restricted to exhibition to members of a specified film society.
        R20 Restricted to persons 20 years of age and over.
        Banned Includes classifications of "objectionable" (OFLC), "indecent" (IPT, VRA, CCF), "unconditionally indecent" (IPT) and "not approved" (CCF).
        Declaration that previous decision in force A classification imposed on a publication by an abolished authority is declared to continue in force.
        Approved Printed pictorial matter advertising a film, video recording, DVD, computer game or any other moving image, is approved for display.
        Exempt A decision that a film is exempt from examination and approved for exhibition (CCF).
        No decision Includes publications that have been withdrawn, are awaiting classification, or for which no decision exists.

        В «Правде» нет известий, в «Известиях» нет правды
  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by drussell on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:17PM (16 children)

    by drussell (2678) on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:17PM (#819026) Journal

    While I certainly would not want to glorify something like this, the knee-jerk reaction to censor anything unpalatable these days is extremely dangerous.

    I understand NZ wants to "tackle" the issues that lead to a tragedy like this but overreaction instead of measured, well contemplated pro-active action is the wrong course.

    • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:29PM (6 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:29PM (#819066)

      This is what happens when you elect the pearl clutching "won't somebody please think of the children" types for your leaders. This is a lesson we Americans should learn from.

      • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:00PM (5 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:00PM (#819076)

        Western politicians cannot deal with the problem because they are part of the problem. Anybody who read the manifesto knows that the NZ government is doing exactly what this murderous asshole wanted. So what happens after the next major Islamist atrocity? Is NZ going to ban Islamist propaganda like the Quran, Hadith and news footage of Jacinda Ardern prancing around in a hijab? Foolish woman may as well have recited the shahada!

        • (Score: 3, Troll) by jmorris on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:00PM (4 children)

          by jmorris (4844) on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:00PM (#819116)

          No, everyone knows how the world actually works. When Islamists murder in the name of Islam we must all come together and stand with Muslim leaders to ensure there is no Islamophobic counter reaction against the peaceful majority of Muslims. When a White guy goes postal in reaction to Islamic slaughter we must stand with the local Muslim leaders to denounce the horrible xenophobia and Islamophobia and lament the continued existence of White people.

          • (Score: 3, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:57PM

            by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:57PM (#819131)

            Good thing we're not terrorized then. Quit your crying. Or are you scared of the bad guys?

          • (Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:42PM

            by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:42PM (#819150)
          • (Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @03:59PM (1 child)

            by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @03:59PM (#819591)

            Yeah, sucks to be privileged and have to check it.

            • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @07:24PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @07:24PM (#819697)

              it's not a privilege it's a fucking birthright, you stupid bitch.

    • (Score: 2) by vux984 on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:57PM (5 children)

      by vux984 (5045) on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:57PM (#819130)

      "I understand NZ wants to "tackle" the issues that lead to a tragedy like this but overreaction instead of measured, well contemplated pro-active action is the wrong course."

      After something happens, and when everyone is thinking about it, its 'too soon' and 'anything they do will be an overreaction'. And this is probably true.

      Given current political systems, the only real solution I see is to pass the over-reaction law, and then fine tune them when those flaws become evident (I mean the flaws might well be evident to you and I right away but its not until a few people get ground in the mill that society as a whole will hopefully see the flaws are big enough to fix). Its far from perfect, but you aren't going to get perfect. And its better than always bleating its 'too soon' to talk about it every time someone gets killed, and then before enough time has passed (whatever that is supposed to be) someone gets killed again and its 'too soon' to talk about it all over again or alternatively... it's forgotten or overshadowed by some newer bigger crisis. Either way nothing gets done.

      The time between 'too soon', and 'forgotten or overshadowed by something bigger' doesn't exist.

      How is being perpetually paralyzed by the fear of over-reacting any better than over-reacting? Especially when the null action 'doing nothing' is proven not to be working?

      • (Score: 2) by urza9814 on Tuesday March 26 2019, @02:35PM (3 children)

        by urza9814 (3954) on Tuesday March 26 2019, @02:35PM (#820095) Journal

        Given current political systems, the only real solution I see is to pass the over-reaction law, and then fine tune them when those flaws become evident (I mean the flaws might well be evident to you and I right away but its not until a few people get ground in the mill that society as a whole will hopefully see the flaws are big enough to fix).

        I'd prefer to do it the other way -- if a law is required to address some situation, it should be as narrow as possible and can be updated later as the flaws become evident.

        The problem is that the flaws in an overly strict law don't always become evident right away, or even at all. This law seems like a pretty good example -- are cops actually going to be searching peoples' homes and hard drives for copies of the banned document? Probably not. So you have no idea how many people might be violating the law and just not getting caught, and they may never get caught. But future laws get built not just upon what people are doing, but on the laws which already exist.

        Laws are a lot like computer code. It's a complex system with a lot of parts interacting between each other. And you can never know how someone is going to use that law in twenty years, or what someone is going to build on top of it. If your code has the potential to lock someone in a cell or even get them killed, you better be damn sure that it's practically bulletproof. And the more unnecessary features you start piling on top of it, the harder it is to do that.

        • (Score: 2) by vux984 on Tuesday March 26 2019, @05:56PM (2 children)

          by vux984 (5045) on Tuesday March 26 2019, @05:56PM (#820193)

          Of course, I'd prefer rational laws get passed too. However, in cases like this that doesn't happen. The laws get passed in 'crisis reaction mode' so they aren't going to be great. So a better solution is to have enshrined process to review laws, and allow fine tuning, and sunsets etc; so that laws that do get passed in crisis mode can get cleaned up after the fact when cooler heads are abundant.

          You can't fight human nature, so its better to incorporate it into the 'process', and just assume shit laws are going to get passed at times like this. So I'd suggest we allow the laws to pass, but have automatic review by the courts to assess them for constitutionality for example, instead of waiting for a court challenge -- just have a court circuit where its their job to review new law, and hell... old law too. Likewise, automatic sunset clauses and renewal clauses to force congress to review a law at 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, etc. So that a ban on the manifesto for example, might pass today, and it might pass in 1 year... but 10 years out the fear of it going viral with copycats has subsided and librarians want to store it and universities want to include it in various courses and there will have been a changing of the guard in the legislative bodies so it'll have a chance to fall off the books without much fuss.

          • (Score: 2) by urza9814 on Tuesday March 26 2019, @06:36PM (1 child)

            by urza9814 (3954) on Tuesday March 26 2019, @06:36PM (#820215) Journal

            No matter what you're fighting against human nature to some extent. If it was human nature we'd already be doing it. We do have laws with these kinds of sunset clauses here in the US...and all that means is every 5-10 years a new congress just blindly re-approves it, because it's been in place this long so why bother to review it now? It's easier to force debate of something new than something that already exists.

            Automatic court review might be nice, but who picks the judges and how do we prevent them from being subject to the very same "crisis reaction mode" thinking? And that could make it even harder to challenge the laws later, since they will have already passed judicial review...

            • (Score: 2) by vux984 on Wednesday March 27 2019, @12:32AM

              by vux984 (5045) on Wednesday March 27 2019, @12:32AM (#820422)

              "No matter what you're fighting against human nature to some extent."

              The point is that

              Automatic court review might be nice, but who picks the judges and how do we prevent them from being subject to the very same "crisis reaction mode" thinking?

              Because they aren't elected, and aren't pandering to an electorate, and don't need to be "seen to be doing something" in a crisis. And the review can be scheduled a few months down the road so emotions aren't at peak pitch when they look at it, and so on.

              "We do have laws with these kinds of sunset clauses here in the US...and all that means is every 5-10 years a new congress just blindly re-approves it, because it's been in place this long so why bother to review it now? It's easier to force debate of something new than something that already exists."

              If and when it ever actually loses favor with the majority its much simpler for them to let it expire than it is have to do something to get rid of it.
              I think your criticism is valid but suffers from confirmation bias -- you only see the laws that come up for renewal over and over again and keep getting renewed but you don't hear about the laws were allowed to expire. After all...

              the assault weapons ban expired, CHIP expired, 9/11 first responders bill expired. I'm not even saying this is a good thing necessarily, but it does show that as a concept at least it does work.

      • (Score: 3, Insightful) by DeVilla on Friday March 29 2019, @04:09AM

        by DeVilla (5354) on Friday March 29 2019, @04:09AM (#821661)

        How long until we "fine tune" the "over-reaction" laws from late 2001? I believe the US had a President elected in part on promises to roll back a lot of them. Relative to to the scale of the over reactions, I don't think we seen much corrective "fine tuning".

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @11:22PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @11:22PM (#819222)

      The slope became a cliff!

      Majority rule cannot protect our right to communicate freely. This is why we desperately need the tech to make censorship impractical. Ad hoc mesh networks, whatever. The internet is supposed to route around all damage, not cause it.

      Don't waste time discussing the nature of content. Let's just knock down the walls that block it. Fuck the tyrants!

    • (Score: 4, Informative) by driverless on Monday March 25 2019, @04:04AM (1 child)

      by driverless (4770) on Monday March 25 2019, @04:04AM (#819313)

      You're missing the point, it's not to censor it, it's to deny the shooter the publicity he's after. He did it for the publicity, NZ has said "we're not going to give him that publicity". In fact the NZ PM explicitly said this in her speech about it.

      The US media OTOH is giving him all the publicity he could dream of, and more. Which means others will be encouraged to do the same.

      • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @07:27PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @07:27PM (#819699)

        you have stockholm syndrome, you brainwashed cuckold.

  • (Score: 5, Informative) by EEMac on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:17PM (7 children)

    by EEMac (6423) on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:17PM (#819027)
    • (Score: 2) by takyon on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:24PM (3 children)

      by takyon (881) <{takyon} {at} {}> on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:24PM (#819031) Journal

      Help! Help! He's sharing the propaganda! Someone stop this crime!

      [SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
      • (Score: 3, Funny) by The Mighty Buzzard on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:32PM (1 child)

        I'll get right on that. I always wanted me some propagator-skin boots.

        My rights don't end where your fear begins.
        • (Score: 2) by bzipitidoo on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:19PM

          by bzipitidoo (4388) on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:19PM (#819103) Journal

          Joe Job the guy! Don't even have to slip the stuff onto his hard drive, it's probably already in his browser cache.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:12PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:12PM (#819057)

        Clown world []

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:07PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:07PM (#819081)

      That's 14 years in the clink for you!

    • (Score: 4, Insightful) by Bot on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:42PM

      by Bot (3902) on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:42PM (#819112) Journal

      You are telling me NZ has made a crime to possess a pdf with "roflcopter" in the filename?

      Welcome to the ultimate troll: real life.

      Account abandoned.
    • (Score: 4, Touché) by Codesmith on Monday March 25 2019, @12:46PM

      by Codesmith (5811) on Monday March 25 2019, @12:46PM (#819465)

      Quick get some links to kiddie porn up there too! Isn't that censorship in action?

      /s for the brain impaired.

      Pro utilitate hominum.
  • (Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:32PM (16 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:32PM (#819035)

    let's hope that some monkeys slaving away in some factory cellar churning out all of shakespeare work
    won't accidentally also write that string of banned letters or that the interpretation of some random
    noise will yield the same ...

    it would be sad also, if the symbol string received from an alien civilization for fusion tech or hyper warp
    should include the same exact symbols-pattern in their message ...

    what happened was probably really st0pid but having to hide information and make possession of data a crime will only
    lead to more censorship until just enough documents and letters remain to criminally ban the removal of any more documents and letters?

    • (Score: 4, Insightful) by The Mighty Buzzard on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:33PM (6 children)

      I was wondering if memorizing it will get you thrown in prison.

      My rights don't end where your fear begins.
      • (Score: 4, Insightful) by JoeMerchant on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:14PM (4 children)

        by JoeMerchant (3937) on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:14PM (#819100)

        memorizing it will get you thrown in prison

        Only if you repeat portions of it recognizable to the authorities.

        Interesting questions: what if the manifesto were rebranded and published in pieces? How can you know if you're accidentally holding the illegal manifesto when it's not labeled as such? How can the authorities know, unless they have a complete copy for reference? Which authorities are exempt from the statute so they might hold complete copies for purposes of enforcement? Are these authorities required to be present at time of arrest, or merely prosecution? What if I have accidentally reproduced a portion of the manifesto with this very message, how much of the manifesto must be in possession to constitute a crime?

        Thought crime is unenforceable at its most basic levels, but that doesn't stop "I know pornography when I see it" street-cop-judges from interpreting and enforcing the intent of the law, as they understand it.

        🌻🌻 []
        • (Score: 2) by fyngyrz on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:39PM

          by fyngyrz (6567) on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:39PM (#819127) Journal

          Thought crime is unenforceable at its most basic levels

          Well, no need to be concerned about the lack. They're working on it. []

          Wow. Apparently it's "rude" to ask the parents
          of a kid on a leash if it was a rescue.

        • (Score: 2) by urza9814 on Tuesday March 26 2019, @02:45PM (2 children)

          by urza9814 (3954) on Tuesday March 26 2019, @02:45PM (#820101) Journal

          I was typing out a similar set of questions myself -- how much would you have to alter it before it became legal...but then I realized that most of these questions would also apply to freakin' Harry Potter -- ie, how much can you reproduce before it's a copyright violation? What if you change parts? What if you rebrand it? Probably similar logic would apply here...which likely means it's going to be up to a judge to decide on a case-by-case basis.

          Although the part about the police having copies to compare to IS a new question, since unlike a copyrighted work, there's presumably nobody who does have a legal right to possess this manifesto.

          • (Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Tuesday March 26 2019, @04:35PM (1 child)

            by JoeMerchant (3937) on Tuesday March 26 2019, @04:35PM (#820157)

            there's presumably nobody who does have a legal right to possess this manifesto.

            Gotta outsource that to the Aussies, who have no such restrictions ;-)

            🌻🌻 []
            • (Score: 2) by urza9814 on Tuesday March 26 2019, @04:55PM

              by urza9814 (3954) on Tuesday March 26 2019, @04:55PM (#820169) Journal

              What, they can't send it to India? Sure, they'd have a higher false-positive rate, but the lawyers don't have a legal right to the evidence required to prove that... :)

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @04:35PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @04:35PM (#819607)

        there has to be a copy "somewhere" so as to be able to compare your alleged copy to. how else to know but to compare;
        unless all banned symbole-strings are mandatory to be memorized by all aspiring judges? then no hard-copy needs to exist.
        let's hope that dr. prof. judge can remember the text correctly when orally teaching it to his future judge students ^_^

    • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:45PM (8 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:45PM (#819042)

      Running the above command has a vanishingly small chance of landing you in prison in a great many countries.

      The fact it isn't going to happen doesn't mean much, since if you use a generator biased towards photorealistic images (e.g. a GAN) suddenly the chance goes way the fuck up until it's a real risk.

      Using neural networks to generate random porn is going to land you in prison pretty quickly.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:52PM (2 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:52PM (#819044)

        Some cuntries ban fake and drawn photorealistic CP. The trained GAN is better than any typewriter monkey at making what you want.

        If a bot posts fake threats on Twitter, can we drone bomb the coder?

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:57PM (1 child)

          by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:57PM (#819046)

          The UK bans cartoon CP, no matter how realistic it is. Literal stick figures could qualify.

          Requiring both intent and actual harm solves this problem.

      • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:06PM (4 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:06PM (#819048)

        09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

        • (Score: 0, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:10PM (3 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:10PM (#819054)

          How to decrypt a
          DVD: in haiku form.
          (Thanks, Prof. D. S. T.)

          (I abandon my
          exclusive rights to make or
          perform copies of

          this work, U. S. Code
          Title Seventeen, section
          One Hundred and Six.)

          Muse! When we learned to
          count, little did we know all
          the things we could do

          some day by shuffling
          those numbers: Pythagoras
          said "All is number"

          long before he saw
          computers and their effects,
          or what they could do

          by computation,
          naive and mechanical
          fast arithmetic.

          It changed the world, it
          changed our consciousness and lives
          to have such fast math

          available to
          us and anyone who cared
          to learn programming.

          Now help me, Muse, for
          I wish to tell a piece of
          controversial math,

          for which the lawyers
          of DVD CCA
          don't forbear to sue:

          that they alone should
          know or have the right to teach
          these skills and these rules.

          (Do they understand
          the content, or is it just
          the effects they see?)

          And all mathematics
          is full of stories (just read
          Eric Temple Bell);

          and CSS is
          no exception to this rule.
          Sing, Muse, decryption

          once secret, as all
          knowledge, once unknown: how to
          decrypt DVDs.

          Arrays' elements
          start with zero and count up
          from there, don't forget!

          Integers are four
          bytes long, or thirty-two bits,
          which is the same thing.

          To decode these discs,
          you need a master key, as
          hardware vendors get.

          (This is a "player
          key" and some folks other than
          vendors know them now.

          If they didn't, there
          is also a way not to
          need one, to start off.)

          You'll read a "disk key"
          from the disc, and decrypt it
          with that player key.

          You'll read a "title
          key" for the video file
          that you want to play.

          With the disk key, you
          can decrypt the title key;
          that decrypts the show.

          Here's a description
          of how a player key will
          decrypt a disk key.

          You need two things here:
          An encrypted disk key, which
          is just six bytes long.

          (Only five of those
          are the _key itself_, because
          "zero" marks the end.

          So that's five real bytes,
          and eight times five is forty;
          in the ideal case,

          forty bits will yield
          just short of two trillion
          possible choices!

          Ian Goldberg once
          recovered a key that long
          in seven half-hours.

          But his office-mate
          David Wagner points out that
          it's _impossible_

          to achieve what the
          DVD CCA seems
          to want to achieve,

          even by making
          the key some reasonable,
          "adequate" key-length:

          There's no way to write
          a "secure" software player
          which contains the key

          and runs on PCs,
          yet somehow prevents users
          from extracting it.

          If the player can
          decrypt, Wagner has noted,
          users can learn how.)

          This is a pointer,
          "KEY", to those bytes, and when we're
          done, they'll be clear-text.

          Oh, the other thing!
          Called "im", a pointer to six
          bytes: a player key.

          (Now those six bytes, the
          DVD CCA says
          under penalty

          of perjury, are
          its trade secret, and you are
          breaking the law if

          you tell someone that,
          for instance, the Xing player
          used the following:

          Eighty-one; and then
          one hundred three -- two times; then
          two hundred (less three);

          two hundred twenty
          four; and last (of course not least)
          the humble zero.)

          We will use these few
          internal variables:
          t1 through t6,

          unsigned integers.
          k, pointer to five unsigned
          bytes. i, integer.

          So here's how you do
          it: first, take the first byte of
          im -- that's byte zero;

          OR that byte with the
          number 0x100
          (hexadecimal --

          that's two hundred and
          fifty-six to you if you
          prefer decimal).

          Store the result in
          t1. Take byte one of im.
          Store it in t2.

          Take bytes two through five
          of im; store them in t3.
          Take its three low bits

          (you can get them by
          ANDing t3 with seven);
          store this in t4.

          Double t3, add
          eight, subtract t4; store the
          result in t3.

          Make t5 zero.
          Now we'll start a loop; set i
          equal to zero.

          • (Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:13PM (2 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:13PM (#819060)

            i gets values from
            zero up to four; each time,
            do all of these steps:

                    Use t2 for an
                    index into Table Two:
                    find a byte b1.

                    Use t1 for an
                    index into Table Three:
                    find a byte b2.

                    Take exclusive OR
                    of b1 with b2 and
                    store this in t4.

                    Shift t1 right by
                    a single bit (like halving);
                    store this in t2.

                    Take the low bit of
                    t1 (so, AND it with one),
                    shift it left eight bits,

                    then take exclusive
                    OR of that with t4; store
                    this back in t1.

                    Use t4 for an
                    index into Table Four:
                    find a byte and store

                    it back in t4.
                    Shift t3 right by three bits,
                    take exclusive OR

                    of this with t3,
                    shift this right by one bit, and
                    take exclusive OR

                    of this with t3,
                    shift this right by eight bits, and
                    take exclusive OR

                    of this with t3,
                    shift this right by five bits, and
                    (No exclusive OR!

                    Orange you glad I
                    didn't say banana?) take
                    the low byte (by AND

                    with two hundred and
                    fifty-five); now store this
                    into t6. Phew!

                    Shift t3 left eight
                    bits, take OR with t6, and
                    store this in t3.

                    Use t6 for an
                    index into Table Four:
                    find a byte and store

                    it in t6. Add
                    t6, t5, t4; store
                    the sum in t5.

                    Take t5's low byte
                    (AND t5 with two hundred
                    fifty five) to put it

                    in the ith byte of
                    the vector called k. Now shift
                    t5 right eight bits;

                    store the result in
                    t5 again. Now that's the
                    last step in the loop.

            No sooner have we
            finished that loop than we'll start
            another; no rest

            for the wicked nor
            those innocents whom lawyers
            serve with paperwork.

            Reader! Think not that
            technical information
            ought not be called speech;

            think not diagrams,
            schematics, tables, numbers,
            formulae -- like the

            terrifying and
            uniquely moving, though cliche,
            Einstein equation

            "Energy is just
            the same as matter, but for
            a little factor,

            speed of light by speed
            of light, and we are ourselves
            frozen energy."

            Einstein's formula
            to convert from joules into

            squared per second squared,
            for all its power, uses
            just five characters.

            But Einstein wrote to
            physicists: formal, concise,
            specific, detailed.

            And sometimes we write
            to machines to teach them how
            tasks are carried out:

            and sometimes we write
            to our friends to show a way
            tasks are carried out.

            We write precisely
            since such is our habit in
            talking to machines;

            we say exactly
            how to do a thing or how
            every detail works.

            The poet has choice
            of words and order, symbols,
            imagery, and use

            of metaphor. She
            can allude, suggest, permit

            She need not say just
            what she means, for readers can
            always interpret.

            Poets too, despite
            their famous "license" sometimes
            are constrained by rules:

            How often have we
            heard that some strange twist of plot
            or phrase was simply

            "Metri causa", for
            the meter's sake, solely done
            "to fit the meter"?

            Programmers' art as
            that of natural scientists
            is to be precise,

            complete in every
            detail of description, not
            leaving things to chance.

            Reader, see how yet
            technical communicants
            deserve free speech rights;

            see how numbers, rules,
            patterns, languages you don't
            yourself speak yet,

            still should in law be
            protected from suppression,
            called valuable speech!

            Ending my appeal
            on that note, I will describe
            the second loop. Store

            nine in i; i gets
            values from nine down to
            naught. Each time, do this:

                    Use i+1 as
                    an index into Table
                    Zero: find a byte.

                    Call that byte p1.
                    Now use i for an index
                    in Table Zero:

                    find a byte and
                    call that byte p0. Now
                    use p1 as an

                    index into k
                    (a vector, remember?); thus
                    find a byte b1.

                    Use p1 as an
                    index into KEY, as well:
                    find a byte, use that

                    byte as an index
                    into Table One. Call the
                    byte you find b2.

                    Use p0 as
                    an index into KEY to
                    find a byte b3.

                    Take exclusive OR
                    of b1, b2, b3,
                    and store that in KEY

                    (not just anywhere,
                    though!). In KEY at the byte that's
                    indexed by p1.

            That's it for that loop
            and also for the task of
            disk key decryption.

            Title keys are next.
            It isn't hard to decrypt
            one. The rule's the same!

            Well, there's one slight
            change: where you use t6, it's
            Table "Five", not "Four".

            And this time im is
            the decrypted disk key, and
            KEY the title key.

            How would you like to
            hear how to decrypt _both_ the
            disk and title keys?

            All we'll need are the
            encrypted versions and a
            player key. No sweat!

            We'll call the title
            key TKEY, a pointer to
            six bytes, encrypted.

            We'll call the disk key
            DKEY, a pointer to six
            bytes, encrypted too.

            We will use a few
            internal variables,
            once again: so i,

            an integer, will
            serve again as loop index.
            im1 is six bytes,

            im2 is six bytes.
            Both vectors and the latter
            holds our player key.

            Now I told you once
            about a player key I
            think they gave to Xing --

            I don't know this for
            sure; DVD CCA
            said so in court, though.

            Otherwise I'd say
            that this is just a "magic
            number" from on high,

            vouchsafed to mortals
            from the mouths of the Muses
            for our benefit.

            In reality
            I'm told it was discovered
            by M.o.R.E.,

            some Europeans
            two-thirds of whom are today
            still anonymous.

            I don't want to make
            a long excursus right now
            on why that's not bad:

            reverse engineers
            in many fields are heroes
            of technology,

            for advancing the
            knowledge of their colleagues or
            of the public mind.

            Yet in software the
            recent trend has been to brand
            tinkerers as thieves!

            I urge you to read
            the Crypto-gram newletter
            on why that's not so.

            Bruce can make the point
            better there than I can here,
            sticking to haiku.

            So this number is,
            once again, the player key:
            (trade secret haiku?)

            "Eighty-one; and then
            one hundred three -- two times; then
            two hundred (less three);

            two hundred twenty
            four; and last (of course not least)
            the humble zero."

            If you didn't know
            a valid player key, then
            you could find one out --

            ask Frank Stevenson,
            or his fellow programmer
            wise Andreas Bogk.

            All we have to do
            is this: copy our DKEY
            into im1,

            use the rule above
            that decrypts a disk key (with
            im1 and its

            friend im2 as
            inputs) -- thus we decrypt the
            disk key im1.

            Use the rule above
            that decrypts a title key.
            TKEY and our new

            disk key im1
            are inputs now -- we decrypt
            TKEY, and we're done.

            That was straightforward.
            Probably we didn't need
            to explain this part,

            but computers are
            very literal, so we
            might as well do so.

            This part is really
            exciting for movie fans:
            decrypt DVDs!

            Well, at least sectors
            of DVDs, but they are
            made up of sectors.

            Sectors (of two to
            the eleventh bytes) are the
            encryption units.

            Rejoice then, get some
            popcorn out, and butter if
            you aren't vegan.

            Margarine works well
            if you're vegan, or if you
            are watching your weight.

            I've heard you can put
            tarragon on your popcorn.
            I haven't tried it.

            Why did I tell you
            to rejoice? Because we are
            about to watch a

            movie, at least if
            we have a good MPEG-2
            player close at hand.

            We need two things now,
            though, beyond our MPEG-2
            players and popcorn:

            A vector "SEC" of
            two thousand forty-eight bytes,
            disk sector contents.

            (These start off in their
            encrypted form, but we will
            leave them decrypted.)

            And a vector KEY
            of six bytes, the decrypted
            title key we'll use.

            We will use these few
            internal variables:
            t1 through t6,

            unsigned integers.
            Remember those from before?
            END is a pointer

            to the end of the
            sector, which is SEC plus two
            thousand forty-eight.

            Take the first byte of
            KEY (that's byte zero), perform
            exclusive OR with

            byte eighty-four of
            SEC. Treating the result as
            an integer, take

            OR of that with two
            hundred fifty-six. Store the
            result in t1.

            Take the next byte (which
            is byte one) of KEY, perform
            exclusive OR with

            the next byte of SEC
            (byte eighty-five, right?); store the
            result in t2.

            Take bytes two through five
            of KEY and take exclusive
            OR of these with their

            counterparts abroad,
            bytes eighty-six through eighty-nine
            of our sector SEC.

            Store this in t3.
            (It will fit because it is
            four bytes, like t3.)

            I must quote myself
            because we're going to do
            some things once again:

            (Above, in the first
            part, we talked about t3:)
            "Take its three low bits

            (you can get them by
            ANDing t3 with seven);
            store this in t4.

            Double t3, add
            eight, subtract t4; store the
            result in t3."

            (Now increment SEC
            by one hundred twenty-eight!)
            "Make t5 zero."

            Now start a loop, and
            do these things as long as SEC
            doesn't equal END:

                    Use t2 for an
                    index into Table Two:
                    find a byte b1.

                    Use t1 for an
                    index into Table Three:
                    find a byte b2.

                    Take exclusive OR
                    of b1 with b2 and
                    store this in t4.

                    Shift t1 right by
                    a single bit (like halving);
                    store this in t2.

                    Take the low bit of
                    t1 (so, AND it with one),
                    shift it left eight bits,

                    then take exclusive
                    OR of that with t4; store
                    this back in t1.

                    (The step that's coming
                    up is _slightly_ different from
                    the original.)

                    Use t4 for an
                    index into Table Five:
                    find a byte and store

                    it back in t4.
                    Shift t3 right by three bits,
                    take exclusive OR

                    of this with t3,
                    shift this right by one bit, and
                    take exclusive OR

                    of this with t3,
                    shift this right by eight bits, and
                    take exclusive OR

                    of this with t3,
                    shift this right by five bits, and
                    (No exclusive OR!

                    Orange you glad I
                    didn't say banana?) take
                    the low byte (by AND

                    with two hundred and
                    fifty-five); now store this
                    into t6. Phew!

                    Shift t3 left eight
                    bits, take OR with t6, and
                    store this in t3.

                    Use t6 for an
                    index into Table Four:
                    find a byte and store

                    it in t6. Add
                    t6, t5, t4; store
                    the sum in t5.

                    (Again, here's a change
                    from the original steps:
                    please don't get confused.)

                    In Table One use
                    the byte SEC points to as an
                    index, get a byte

                    there, take exclusive
                    OR of that byte with the low
                    byte of t5; store

                    the result where SEC
                    points, and increment SEC by
                    one. This is all that

                    has changed in these steps.
                    And we're almost done! Now shift
                    t5 right eight bits;

                    store the result in
                    t5 again. That is the
                    last step in the loop.

            Now I want a drink
            (mnemonics in crypto poems
            are great!); exercise

            from singing so long
            makes me thirst for a glass of
            soda, slice of pie.

            For this is the end
            of the decryption process;
            you can now go home.

            • (Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:16PM (1 child)

              by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:16PM (#819062)

              But wait! I hear a
              voice entreating me to stay:
              "O, the Tables tell!"

              Alas, I have not
              as yet declared to you the
              CSS Tables.

              This is a major
              issue, in that I don't know
              what these tables _mean_:

              our noble guide has
              told us in outline what they
              are for, or something

              of their structure. But
              to me, a humble poet
              of mathematics,

              they are opaque, they
              are certain combinations
              of ancient, noble

              Number. Their inner
              logic, aitia, telos,
              still unknown to me.

              Herein a clear free
              speech question: would courts see fit
              to muzzle me, then,

              from speaking numbers,
              technical data, which I
              did not make and more

              cannot memorize,
              cannot explain in detail,
              cannot understand?

              I have these numbers.
              They have meaning, this is clear:
              else why suppress them?

              I wish to speak or
              let the Muse announce through me
              Tables of Numbers.

              Professor Moglen!
              Help defend my right to share
              these numbers with you!

              You called the right to
              speak with PGP like that
              to use Navaho.

              Help me then in my
              haiku quest to share these bits,
              and not be censored.

              Preserve my right to
              speak here, in this extreme, these
              mystery Tables

              the products, pieces
              of technique, which but a very
              few will understand.

              Mary Jo White, the
              United States Attorney
              for S.D.N.Y.,

              your logic erodes
              any meaningful power
              Internet speakers

              would retain against
              state censorship. Do you care?
              Have you any shame?

              Fight, brave amici,
              with effective, functional

              I'll try to help by
              singing these octets, until
              court orders forbid.

              (Sad to say, I have
              removed hyphens in numbers:
              poetic license.)

              Table Zero is:
              Five, zero, one, two, three, four,
              oh, one, two, three, four.

              Table One is long:
              two to the eighth power bytes.
              Ready? Here they are:

              Fifty one; then one
              hundred fifteen; fifty nine;
              thirty eight; ninety

              nine; thirty five; one
              hundred seven; one hundred
              eighteen; sixty two;

              one hundred twenty
              six; fifty four; forty three;
              one hundred ten; then

              forty six; then one
              hundred two; one hundred and
              twenty three; then two

              hundred eleven;
              one hundred forty seven;
              two hundred nineteen;

              six; sixty seven;
              three; seventy five; then one
              hundred fifty; two

              hundred twenty two;
              one hundred fifty eight; two
              hundred fourteen; then

              eleven; and then
              seventy eight; fourteen; then
              seventy; then one

              hundred fifty five;
              eighty seven; twenty three;
              ninety five; then one

              hundred thirty; one
              hundred ninety nine; then one
              hundred thirty five;

              two hundred seven;
              eighteen; ninety; twenty six;
              eighty two; then one

              hundred forty three;
              two hundred two; one hundred
              thirty eight; then one

              hundred ninety four;
              thirty one; two hundred and
              seventeen; then one

              hundred fifty three;
              two hundred nine; zero; then
              seventy three; nine;

              sixty five; then one
              hundred forty four; then two
              hundred sixteen; one

              hundred fifty two;
              two hundred eight; one; and then
              seventy two; eight;

              sixty four; then one
              hundred forty five; sixty
              one; one hundred and

              twenty five; fifty
              three; thirty six; one hundred
              nine; forty five; one

              hundred one; then one
              hundred sixteen; sixty; one
              hundred twenty four;

              fifty two; thirty
              seven; one hundred eight; then
              forty four; then one

              hundred; one hundred
              seventeen; two hundred and
              twenty one; then one

              hundred and fifty
              seven; two hundred thirteen;
              four; seventy plus

              seven; thirteen; then
              sixty nine; one hundred and
              forty eight; then two

              hundred twenty; one
              hundred fifty six; then two
              hundred twelve; five; then

              seventy six; twelve;
              sixty eight; one hundred and
              forty nine; eighty

              nine; twenty five; then
              eighty one; one hundred and
              twenty eight; then two

              hundred one; then one
              hundred thirty seven; one
              hundred ninety three;

              sixteen; eighty eight;
              twenty four; eighty; then one
              hundred twenty nine;

              two hundred; then one
              hundred thirty six; then one
              hundred ninety two;

              seventeen; then two
              hundred fifteen; one hundred
              fifty one; then two

              hundred twenty three;
              two; seventy one; seven;
              seventy nine; one

              hundred forty six;
              two hundred eighteen; then one
              hundred fifty four;

              two hundred ten; then
              fifteen; seventy four; ten;
              sixty six; then one

              hundred fifty nine;
              eighty three; nineteen; ninety
              one; one hundred and

              thirty four; then one
              hundred ninety five; then one
              hundred thirty one;

              two hundred three; then
              twenty two; ninety four; then
              thirty; eighty six;

              one hundred thirty
              nine; two hundred six; then one
              hundred forty two;

              one hundred ninety
              eight; twenty seven; then one
              hundred seventy

              nine; two hundred and
              forty three; one hundred and
              eighty seven; one

              hundred sixty six;
              two hundred twenty seven;
              one hundred sixty

              three; two hundred and
              thirty five; two hundred and
              forty six; then one

              hundred ninety; two
              hundred fifty four; then one
              hundred eighty two;

              then one hundred and
              seventy one; two hundred
              thirty eight; then one

              hundred seventy
              four; two hundred thirty; two
              hundred fifty one;

              fifty five; then one
              hundred nineteen; sixty three;
              thirty four; then one

              hundred three; thirty
              nine; one hundred eleven;
              one hundred fourteen;

              fifty eight; then one
              hundred twenty two; fifty;
              forty seven; one

              hundred six; forty
              two; ninety eight; one hundred
              twenty seven; one

              hundred eighty five;
              two hundred forty nine; one
              hundred seventy

              seven; one hundred
              sixty; two hundred thirty
              three; one hundred and

              sixty nine; then two
              hundred twenty five; then two
              hundred forty; one

              hundred eighty four;
              two hundred forty eight; one
              hundred seventy

              six; one hundred and
              sixty one; two hundred and
              thirty two; then one

              hundred sixty eight;
              two hundred twenty four; two
              hundred forty one;

              ninety three; twenty
              nine; eighty five; one hundred
              thirty two; then two

              hundred five; then one
              hundred forty one; then one
              hundred and ninety

              seven; twenty; then
              ninety two; twenty eight; then
              eighty four; then one

              hundred thirty three;
              two hundred four; one hundred
              forty; one hundred

              ninety six; twenty
              one; one hundred eighty nine;
              two hundred fifty

              three; one hundred and
              eighty one; one hundred and
              sixty four; then two

              hundred and thirty
              seven; then one hundred and
              seventy three; two

              hundred twenty nine;
              two hundred forty four; one
              hundred eighty eight;

              two hundred fifty
              two; one hundred eighty; one
              hundred sixty five;

              two hundred thirty
              six; one hundred seventy
              two; two hundred and

              twenty eight; then two
              hundred forty five; fifty
              seven; one hundred

              twenty one; forty
              nine; thirty two; one hundred
              five; forty one; then

              ninety seven; one
              hundred twelve; fifty six; one
              hundred twenty; then

              forty eight; thirty
              three; one hundred four; forty;
              ninety six; then one

              hundred thirteen; one
              hundred eighty three; then two
              hundred and forty

              seven; one hundred
              ninety one; one hundred and
              sixty two; then two

              hundred thirty one;
              one hundred sixty seven;
              two hundred thirty

              nine; two hundred and
              forty two; one hundred and
              eighty six; then two

              hundred fifty; one
              hundred seventy eight; one
              hundred seventy

              five; two hundred and
              thirty four; one hundred and
              seventy; then two

              hundred twenty six;
              two hundred fifty five.
              That's the whole Table.

              Just when you thought it
              was safe, here is Table Two,
              which has the same length:

              Zero; one; two; three;
              four; five; six; seven; nine; eight;
              eleven; ten; then

              thirteen; twelve; fifteen;
              fourteen; eighteen; nineteen; then
              sixteen; seventeen;

              twenty two; twenty
              three; twenty; twenty one; then
              twenty seven; then

              twenty six; twenty
              five; twenty four; thirty one;
              thirty; twenty nine;

              twenty eight; thirty
              six; thirty seven; thirty
              eight; thirty nine; then

              thirty two; thirty
              three; thirty four; thirty five;
              forty five; forty

              four; forty seven;
              forty six; forty one; then
              forty; forty three;

              forty two; fifty
              four; fifty five; fifty two;
              fifty three; fifty;

              fifty one; forty
              eight; forty nine; sixty three;
              sixty two; sixty

              one; sixty; fifty
              nine; fifty eight; fifty plus
              seven; fifty six;

              seventy three; then
              seventy two; seventy
              five; seventy four;

              seventy seven;
              seventy six; seventy
              nine; seventy eight;

              sixty four; sixty
              five; sixty six; sixty plus
              seven; sixty eight;

              sixty nine; and then
              seventy; seventy one;
              ninety one; ninety;

              eighty nine; eighty
              eight; ninety five; ninety four;
              ninety three; ninety

              two; eighty two; then
              eighty three; eighty; eighty
              one; eighty six; then

              eighty seven; then
              eighty four; eighty five; one
              hundred nine; then one

              hundred eight; then one
              hundred eleven; then one
              hundred ten; then one

              hundred five; then one
              hundred four; one hundred and
              seven; one hundred

              six; one hundred; one
              hundred one; one hundred two;
              one hundred three; then

              ninety six; ninety
              seven; ninety eight; ninety
              nine; one hundred and

              twenty seven; one
              hundred twenty six; then one
              hundred twenty five;

              one hundred twenty
              four; one hundred twenty three;
              one hundred twenty

              two; one hundred and
              twenty one; one hundred and
              twenty; one hundred

              eighteen; one hundred
              nineteen; one hundred sixteen;
              then one hundred and

              seventeen; then one
              hundred fourteen; one hundred
              fifteen; one hundred

              twelve; one hundred and
              thirteen; one hundred forty
              six; one hundred and

              forty seven; one
              hundred forty four; then one
              hundred forty five;

              one hundred fifty;
              one hundred fifty one; one
              hundred forty eight;

              one hundred forty
              nine; one hundred fifty five;
              one hundred fifty

              four; one hundred and
              fifty three; one hundred and
              fifty two; then one

              hundred fifty nine;
              one hundred fifty eight; one
              hundred and fifty

              seven; one hundred
              fifty six; one hundred and
              twenty eight; then one

              hundred twenty nine;
              one hundred thirty; then one
              hundred thirty one;

              one hundred thirty
              two; one hundred thirty three;
              one hundred thirty

              four; one hundred and
              thirty five; one hundred and
              thirty seven; one

              hundred thirty six;
              one hundred thirty nine; one
              hundred thirty eight;

              one hundred forty
              one; one hundred forty; one
              hundred forty three;

              one hundred forty
              two; one hundred eighty two;
              one hundred eighty

              three; one hundred and
              eighty; one hundred eighty
              one; one hundred and

              seventy eight; one
              hundred seventy nine; one
              hundred seventy

              six; one hundred and
              seventy seven; then one
              hundred ninety one;

              one hundred ninety;
              one hundred eighty nine; one
              hundred eighty eight;

              one hundred eighty
              seven; one hundred eighty
              six; one hundred and

              eighty five; then one
              hundred eighty four; then one
              hundred sixty four;

              one hundred sixty
              five; one hundred sixty six;
              one hundred sixty

              seven; one hundred
              sixty; one hundred sixty
              one; one hundred and

              sixty two; then one
              hundred sixty three; then one
              hundred seventy

              three; one hundred and
              seventy two; one hundred
              seventy five; one

              hundred seventy
              four; one hundred sixty nine;
              one hundred sixty

              • (Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:18PM

                by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:18PM (#819063)

                eight; one hundred and
                seventy one; one hundred
                seventy; then two

                hundred nineteen; two
                hundred eighteen; two hundred
                seventeen; then two

                hundred sixteen; two
                hundred twenty three; then two
                hundred twenty two;

                two hundred twenty
                one; two hundred twenty; two
                hundred ten; then two

                hundred eleven;
                two hundred eight; two hundred
                nine; two hundred and

                fourteen; two hundred
                fifteen; two hundred twelve; two
                hundred thirteen; two

                hundred one; then two
                hundred; two hundred three; two
                hundred two; then two

                hundred five; then two
                hundred four; two hundred and
                seven; two hundred

                six; one hundred and
                ninety two; one hundred and
                ninety three; then one

                hundred ninety four;
                one hundred ninety five; one
                hundred ninety six;

                one hundred ninety
                seven; one hundred ninety
                eight; one hundred and

                ninety nine; then two
                hundred fifty five; then two
                hundred fifty four;

                two hundred fifty
                three; two hundred fifty two;
                two hundred fifty

                one; two hundred and
                fifty; two hundred forty
                nine; two hundred and

                forty eight; then two
                hundred forty six; then two
                hundred and forty

                seven; two hundred
                forty four; two hundred and
                forty five; then two

                hundred forty two;
                two hundred forty three; two
                hundred forty; two

                hundred forty one;
                two hundred thirty seven;
                two hundred thirty

                six; two hundred and
                thirty nine; two hundred and
                thirty eight; then two

                hundred thirty three;
                two hundred thirty two; two
                hundred thirty five;

                two hundred thirty
                four; two hundred twenty eight;
                two hundred twenty

                nine; two hundred and
                thirty; two hundred thirty
                one; two hundred and

                twenty four; then two
                hundred twenty five; then two
                hundred twenty six;

                two hundred twenty
                seven. That's the end of the
                Table Two listing.

                Table Three repeats
                itself sixty-four times with
                this eight-byte sequence:

                Zero, thirty six,
                seventy three, one hundred
                nine, one hundred and

                forty six, then one
                hundred eighty two, and then
                two hundred nineteen,

                and last of all, two
                to the eighth, less one (or two
                hundred fifty five).

                Dr. Touretzky
                has a more concise account
                of what Table Four

                is for, and where it
                comes from; but for now, I think
                I will just list it:

                Zero; one hundred
                twenty eight; sixty four; one
                hundred ninety two;

                thirty two; then one
                hundred sixty; ninety six;
                two hundred twenty

                four; sixteen; then one
                hundred forty four; eighty;
                two hundred eight; then

                forty eight; then one
                hundred seventy six; one
                hundred twelve; then two

                hundred forty; eight;
                one hundred thirty six; then
                seventy two; two

                hundred; forty; one
                hundred sixty eight; then one
                hundred four; then two

                hundred thirty two;
                twenty four; one hundred and
                fifty two; eighty

                eight; two hundred and
                sixteen; fifty six; then one
                hundred eighty four;

                one hundred twenty;
                two hundred forty eight; four;
                one hundred thirty

                two; sixty eight; one
                hundred ninety six; thirty
                six; one hundred and

                sixty four; then one
                hundred; two hundred twenty
                eight; twenty; then one

                hundred forty eight;
                eighty four; two hundred twelve;
                fifty two; then one

                hundred eighty; one
                hundred sixteen; two hundred
                forty four; twelve; one

                hundred forty; then
                seventy six; two hundred
                four; forty four; one

                hundred seventy
                two; one hundred eight; then two
                hundred thirty six;

                twenty eight; then one
                hundred fifty six; ninety
                two; two hundred and

                twenty; sixty; one
                hundred eighty eight; then one
                hundred twenty four;

                two hundred fifty
                two; two; one hundred thirty;
                sixty six; then one

                hundred ninety four;
                thirty four; one hundred and
                sixty two; ninety

                eight; two hundred and
                twenty six; eighteen; then one
                hundred forty six;

                eighty two; then two
                hundred ten; fifty; then one
                hundred seventy

                eight; one hundred and
                fourteen; two hundred forty
                two; ten; one hundred

                thirty eight; and then
                seventy four; two hundred
                two; forty two; one

                hundred seventy;
                one hundred six; two hundred
                thirty four; twenty

                six; one hundred and
                fifty four; ninety; then two
                hundred eighteen; then

                fifty eight; then one
                hundred eighty six; then one
                hundred twenty two;

                two hundred fifty;
                six; one hundred thirty four;
                seventy; then one

                hundred ninety eight;
                thirty eight; one hundred and
                sixty six; then one

                hundred two; then two
                hundred thirty; twenty two;
                one hundred fifty;

                eighty six; then two
                hundred fourteen; fifty four;
                one hundred eighty

                two; one hundred and
                eighteen; two hundred forty
                six; fourteen; then one

                hundred forty two;
                seventy eight; two hundred
                six; forty six; one

                hundred seventy
                four; one hundred ten; then two
                hundred thirty eight;

                thirty; one hundred
                fifty eight; ninety four; two
                hundred twenty two;

                sixty two; then one
                hundred ninety; one hundred
                twenty six; then two

                hundred fifty four;
                one; one hundred twenty nine;
                sixty five; then one

                hundred ninety three;
                thirty three; one hundred and
                sixty one; ninety

                seven; two hundred
                twenty five; seventeen; one
                hundred forty five;

                eighty one; then two
                hundred nine; forty nine; one
                hundred seventy

                seven; one hundred
                thirteen; two hundred forty
                one; nine; one hundred

                thirty seven; then
                seventy three; two hundred
                one; forty one; one

                hundred sixty nine;
                one hundred five; two hundred
                thirty three; twenty

                five; one hundred and
                fifty three; eighty nine; two
                hundred seventeen;

                fifty seven; one
                hundred eighty five; then one
                hundred twenty one;

                two hundred forty
                nine; five; one hundred thirty
                three; sixty nine; one

                hundred and ninety
                seven; thirty seven; one
                hundred sixty five;

                one hundred one; two
                hundred twenty nine; twenty
                one; one hundred and

                forty nine; eighty
                five; two hundred thirteen; then
                fifty three; then one

                hundred eighty one;
                one hundred seventeen; two
                hundred forty five;

                thirteen; one hundred
                forty one; seventy plus
                seven; two hundred

                five; forty five; one
                hundred seventy three; one
                hundred nine; then two

                hundred and thirty
                seven; twenty nine; then one
                hundred and fifty

                seven; ninety three;
                two hundred twenty one; then
                sixty one; then one

                hundred eighty nine;
                one hundred twenty five; two
                hundred fifty three;

                three; one hundred and
                thirty one; sixty seven;
                one hundred ninety

                five; thirty five; one
                hundred sixty three; ninety
                nine; two hundred and

                twenty seven; then
                nineteen; one hundred forty
                seven; eighty three;

                then two hundred and
                eleven; fifty one; one
                hundred seventy

                nine; one hundred and
                fifteen; two hundred forty
                three; eleven; one

                hundred thirty nine;
                seventy five; two hundred
                three; forty three; one

                hundred seventy
                one; one hundred seven; two
                hundred thirty five;

                twenty seven; one
                hundred fifty five; ninety
                one; two hundred and

                nineteen; fifty nine;
                one hundred eighty seven;
                one hundred twenty

                three; two hundred and
                fifty one; seven; then one
                hundred thirty five;

                seventy one; one
                hundred ninety nine; thirty
                nine; one hundred and

                sixty seven; one
                hundred three; two hundred and
                thirty one; twenty

                three; one hundred and
                fifty one; eighty seven;
                two hundred fifteen;

                fifty five; then one
                hundred eighty three; then one
                hundred nineteen; two

                hundred and forty
                seven; fifteen; one hundred
                forty three; and then

                seventy nine; two
                hundred seven; forty plus
                seven; one hundred

                seventy five; one
                hundred eleven; then two
                hundred thirty nine;

                thirty one; then one
                hundred fifty nine; ninety
                five; two hundred and

                twenty three; sixty
                three; one hundred ninety one;
                one hundred twenty

                seven; two hundred
                fifty five. And that's the end
                of the fourth Table.

                (You'll get Table Five
                if you flip each bit in the
                Table Four, supra.)

                Have mercy on me,
                Lord, and lesser judges, and
                on Jon Johansen.

  • (Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:33PM (7 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:33PM (#819038)

    So you're telling me I absolutely shouldn't under any circumstances check to see if my users have uploaded it, because then it's possession with knowledge?

    Knowledge isn't intent.

    • (Score: 1) by khallow on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:57PM (5 children)

      by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Sunday March 24 2019, @03:57PM (#819047) Journal
      You probably would strengthen your legal claim that you didn't "possess" the material either.
      • (Score: 2) by hemocyanin on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:12PM (4 children)

        by hemocyanin (186) on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:12PM (#819082) Journal

        I don't think so:

        2A: A person can have an electronic publication in that person’s possession for the purposes of subsection (1) even though that person’s actual or potential physical custody or control of the publication is not, or does not include, that person intentionally or knowingly using a computer or other electronic device to save the publication (or a copy of it). []

        • (Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:19PM (2 children)

          by JoeMerchant (3937) on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:19PM (#819101)

          Sounds like somebody needs to buy a bunch of cheap, undersized micro SD cards, fill 'em with manifestae (is there a plural of manifesto?) and slip them into letters of inquiry mailed to all the politicians involved in the bill - said letters will then be in the politician's possession, including the electronic copy of the manifesto.

          How long does one have to possess with knowledge before the possession with knowledge penalties kick in? What if you know you have it (such as a press release informing the politicians that they have received the electronic copies), but you don't know where?

          How about we just pass a referendum to lock up the legislators until the next elections are complete?

          🌻🌻 []
          • (Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:44PM

            by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:44PM (#819113)

            Unfortunately I'd probably be imprisoned for doing it, but I sure hope someone in a better country does that. Someone here once emailed encrypted evidence of a crime to the home secretary, at a time when not providing the decryption key was criminal regardless of whether one knew it.

            Strict liability laws are evil.

          • (Score: 3, Informative) by hemocyanin on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:30PM

            by hemocyanin (186) on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:30PM (#819122) Journal

            The politicians would likely just apply an exception to themselves:

            Nothing in subsection (1) makes it an offence for any of the following persons to be in possession of an objectionable publication, where such possession is for the purpose of and in connection with the person’s official duties:
            (l) any other person in the service of the Crown.


            Laws are there only to punish the average joe.

        • (Score: 1) by khallow on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:58PM

          by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:58PM (#819153) Journal
          I do think so. If you aren't even looking at what is going on, it greatly strengthens the claim that the stuff belongs to the person who put it on your server.
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:13PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:13PM (#819083)

      in the coming 'future', it will be intent. Dont dare you think...

  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:13PM (1 child)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:13PM (#819059)

    Let's ban 9/11 videos, news and of course false propaganda about various situations ins Syria notoriously repeated in USA's media... Oops, this would not drive the mob correctly and they may even think why the hell people are joining ISIS and similar groups and what USA has with it. Better make everyone read the Manifesto by Streisand effect and go with the divisions and internal war.

    • (Score: 4, Insightful) by JoeMerchant on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:21PM

      by JoeMerchant (3937) on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:21PM (#819105)

      We're un-officially heading there with suppression of anti-vax, flat earth, and other "BAD SCIENCE!!!" messaging.

      Why not continue down that road with 9/11 conspiracy theories, Area 51 speculation, etc. etc.?

      🌻🌻 []
  • (Score: 3, Troll) by Bot on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:41PM (16 children)

    by Bot (3902) on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:41PM (#819069) Journal

    Every place can have the threshold for reaction set however they like.
    For example, if the INTEGRATED senegalese immigrant, with his citizenship, and his DUI, and his rape of a 17yo (unpunished by jail), sets on fire a bus full of children with the intent to kill, NZ will ban immigration and islamic propaganda, the day after. Right?

    Account abandoned.
    • (Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:44PM (8 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:44PM (#819071)

      The law does not grant rights, it recognizes them.

      • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:50PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:50PM (#819073)

        I misunderstood the first sentence, and didn't read the rest of the post. Sorry.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:00PM (1 child)

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:00PM (#819095)

        human rights, as foggy as the definition is, are not denied because of lack of citizenship.
        or i did misunderstand your foggy post.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @10:52PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @10:52PM (#819209)

          I thought they were saying that NZ can ban whatever they want to since it's their country, rather than making a point about misattribution of blame.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:48PM (4 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:48PM (#819128)

        Laws are a step towards letting you act on your rights. Real support for your rights comes from a judge willing to give force to those laws, and the police not feel supported to act against you.
        Practically, your "unalienable natural rights" are worth the paper they are printed on.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @10:50PM (3 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @10:50PM (#819208)

          They are supported by laws sure, but the rights per se are worth a clean conscience and the tolerance of people worth interacting with.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @11:00PM (2 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @11:00PM (#819215)

            Rights are alienable.

            R v Brown is a fucking travesty.

            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @04:22AM (1 child)

              by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @04:22AM (#819320)

              I was referring to the concept of the "unalienable" "natural" rights as mentioned in the US Declaration of Independence and people who say that the Bill of Rights does not grant rights (as in "the citizens already have those rights").

              Without the First Amendment, knowing that you have rights may be comforting to you in prison.

              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @07:32AM

                by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @07:32AM (#819381)

                I didn't mention the US, don't live there, and disagree strongly with the bill of rights' assertion that rights are inalienable, along with the third, fifth, and sixth amendments. The people who say it doesn't grant rights are backed up by the ninth amendment.

                I didn't imply rights are natural, they aren't.

                I also didn't imply that having those rights would protect me from prison, nobody believes that except perhaps some delusional folk which think the world is intrinsically just.

                I aren't protected by the first amendment to the US's constitution, or any law, and as such avoid exercising certain rights to avoid prison. It wouldn't be comforting in the slightest if I were imprisoned for an action I'd the right to perform, it'd be infuriating.

                You seem to be responding to a person who lives more in your imagination than the real world.

    • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:03PM (4 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:03PM (#819097)

      You are rather sick individual aren't you?

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:13PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:13PM (#819099)

        He was programmed to hate your race.

      • (Score: 2) by Bot on Monday March 25 2019, @02:04AM (2 children)

        by Bot (3902) on Monday March 25 2019, @02:04AM (#819272) Journal

        Asking for irrational double standards to be justified is a mental illness? LOL socialists, red, black, always the same tactics.

        Account abandoned.
        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @06:14PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @06:14PM (#819660)

          Rather ugly, yet attractive too!

          (Going for a triple standard....)

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @06:38PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @06:38PM (#819676)

          You do realize this means you support the NZ shooter's ideology to a significant degree yes? I'll let you trip over yourself with semantics, simple fact is your an alt-right fuckwad. Please ruin the country some more Mr. Fuckwad!!

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:30PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:30PM (#819108)

      Thats different because he only did it because of an offensive online video, not his fault.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:39PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:39PM (#819126)

      For those who don't know about this incident (I hadn't heard of it): []

  • (Score: 4, Touché) by Sulla on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:57PM (1 child)

    by Sulla (5173) on Sunday March 24 2019, @04:57PM (#819075) Journal

    You know what 100% would have prevented the attack?

    Banning Australians.

    Ceterum censeo Sinae esse delendam
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:13PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:13PM (#819084)

      Now that's what I call extreme vetting!

  • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:01PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:01PM (#819077)

    Freedom of speech should be a human right.

    This includes stuff like this.

  • (Score: 1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:59PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @05:59PM (#819094)

    never go full estrogen

  • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:47PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @06:47PM (#819114)

    Millenia pass by, empires rise and fall into oblivion, and only human stupidity is eternal.

  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by istartedi on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:26PM

    by istartedi (123) on Sunday March 24 2019, @07:26PM (#819120) Journal

    By all means, rule from your emotions and hue to the cry of those who seek to placate the fury that arises immediately after tragedy. It's worked so well for us, for now we have emptied over $1 trillion from the treasury, spilled more than twice as much of our own blood, and orders of magnitude more of foreign blood. We are routinely groped at the airport. This was our Founder's sincerest dream from the outset, and we can't imagine why it wasn't fulfilled earlier.

    Sarcastically, An American.

    Appended to the end of comments you post. Max: 120 chars.
  • (Score: 1) by liberza on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:02PM (4 children)

    by liberza (6137) on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:02PM (#819133)

    If a mass email goes out to New Zealanders containing the manifesto, does that mean the govt hits the $2K fine jackpot?

    What if it's loaded in the background by an otherwise normal-looking site and cached by their browser?

    • (Score: 1) by liberza on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:04PM (3 children)

      by liberza (6137) on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:04PM (#819135)

      If it gets embedded in the Bitcoin blockchain, does it become illegal to use Bitcoin in NZ?

      • (Score: -1, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:12PM (1 child)

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:12PM (#819139)

        It already is embedded, along with anything else you can imagine. Someone just needs to write a parser that interprets the 0s and 1s that way. Here is a crypto (not that it matters but the xaya genesis) block in hexadecimal:

        ccbe b4fe 4b01 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 fdf8 466d
        1a52 b68a c5a2 f3ef 2e0e ebfa 40f0 ba78
        0af2 3c8c 9743 ab75 1b90 2708 7963 485b
        0000 0000 0000 0000 02f0 ff0f 1e00 0000
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0051 464c 7ac4 7e70 ec5c 0ad7 6f62 f2de
        a863 0b92 c96a 8293 f442 0cf5 e576 2d06
        e500 0000 0000 0000 0027 5b07 0001 0100
        0000 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0000 00ff ffff ff52 4c50 4855 4320 2332
        2c33 3531 2c38 3030 3a20 3837 3330 6561
        3635 3064 3234 6364 3031 3639 3261 3561
        6462 3934 3365 3762 3837 3230 6230 6261
        3861 3463 3634 6666 6364 6635 6139 3564
        3962 3366 6235 3762 3766 ffff ffff 0100
        ce59 4cfe f24e 0017 a914 8cb1 c236 d34c
        7422 1fe4 163b bba7 39b5 2e95 f484 8700
        0000 00cc beb4 fe13 0300 0000 0000 2051
        464c 7ac4 7e70 ec5c 0ad7 6f62 f2de a863
        0b92 c96a 8293 f442 0cf5 e576 2d06 e547
        199b 1a91 b9d4 d828 7dcd 973e 9ec6 627d
        ed8c f6c9 aee7 ec83 5fc0 55d4 3819 7c3b
        9348 5b00 0000 0000 0000 0002 ffff 0f1e
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0000 0000 7f83 ab5b 7839 5049 9e3a 3324
        c324 7e4b 9003 8e2b 871c ae1b 42e3 0329
        810a 43fb 0000 0000 0000 0000 06c3 0000
        0202 0000 0000 0101 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0000 0000 0000 0000 ffff ffff 0351 012b
        ffff ffff 02a0 67f7 0500 0000 0023 2103
        6170 46f1 3180 d1e5 bce9 e9d7 39df a20c
        fafe c13b 50a8 0c5a 4645 0851 48ab 7a34
        ac00 0000 0000 0000 0026 6a24 aa21 a9ed
        5016 74f8 19f9 de8e dcac 475a 33a4 9345
        bf97 80c6 3ebe 1f99 77ab 429e 2232 98ac
        0120 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
        0000 0000 0000 0200 0000 01fd f846 6d1a
        52b6 8ac5 a2f3 ef2e 0eeb fa40 f0ba 780a
        f23c 8c97 43ab 751b 9027 0800 0000 00fd
        1f01 0048 3045 0221 00ec 3db0 177c b2ed
        89cc 1fd0 ca21 e89f faca e084 bfeb 1df7
        c844 682a 1319 2550 0f02 206d 20af 5fb1
        c735 b74b d6a1 618e 55c7 37d7 f995 9e23
        a0ae 242f 7cdf fde4 b090 5701 4730 4402
        200b 8135 d148 5fba 5ae8 15fe 1d6e c209
        7c4a 7c69 fa95 1d3e 717c bab8 b6a0 6995
        6c02 2072 8693 e928 e7a8 6f10 b43a 4bcd
        d224 51e9 f777 9a9c 5300 2636 c54a 999a
        d595 3a01 4c8b 5221 0243 12ba c7f9 1180
        38cc 8583 d93d 0646 55c3 3bd2 8dfe 95ea
        e647 fb5f 047c db3d a021 029e f6fa 8b93
        026e 10f6 7f52 8af4 f01a 18b0 0ab0 1f53
        5807 ae19 4801 488c fc15 da21 0352 7bde
        1bbb 3481 754e 51cb f6ae c2db 8f6a 1b8a
        919c 811e ca50 eae3 444f 2c0a fd21 03db
        92e0 5268 126c b9fa 0eb0 8f96 fcc0 b625
        864a d3c8 8e60 3241 1931 7c8c 7db3 5454
        aeff ffff ff03 0050 3927 8c04 0000 1976
        a914 6548 e3ff dbf6 f6ca 66ff df88 a2f4
        340e ea24 f235 88ac 605d 0a54 0200 0000
        1976 a914 c704 6729 2823 0274 9201 826a
        a93f 1a09 0793 b977 88ac 009a 14d1 6fee
        4e00 17a9 148c b1c2 36d3 4c74 221f e416
        3bbb a739 b52e 95f4 8487 0000 0000

        Anyone can write software to interpret those bytes however they want.

        • (Score: 2) by Freeman on Monday March 25 2019, @04:48PM

          by Freeman (732) on Monday March 25 2019, @04:48PM (#819612) Journal

          Nah, that's just the count-down. Once it reaches zero, then check-mate.

          Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee"
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @10:55PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 24 2019, @10:55PM (#819212)

        Prosecutorial discretion means law makers only have to ensure that everything they want to be illegal is illegal, rather than making sure that things are illegal if and only if they want them to be illegal. It's a huge threat to rule of law.

  • (Score: 4, Insightful) by sjames on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:28PM

    by sjames (2882) on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:28PM (#819146) Journal

    A penalty for UNKNOWING possession is an affront to justice.

    And what's with valuing an individual's 10 YEARS in jail with only $50,000 in corporate fines? Unless a typical house in NZ goes for about $5,000, something's out of whack there.

  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by pkrasimirov on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:50PM (1 child)

    by pkrasimirov (3358) Subscriber Badge on Sunday March 24 2019, @08:50PM (#819152)

    Terrorists win.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @05:56PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 25 2019, @05:56PM (#819648)


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