The proposal to enforce AC posting for logged in members only on the main page was promulgated to all staff and members of the board 7 days ago. Thank you to all those who contributed to the earlier discussions and clearly expressed their own views, suggestions and potential enhancements. All are being studied for implementation, if feasible, when staffing and resources permit.
There has been unanimous agreement from all responses received in favour of the proposed restriction. However, it was also apparent that there was a wish that this will be only until other alternative methods of restricting spamming, abuse and other disruptions to discussions can be identified and implemented. This is unlikely to be achievable in the short to medium term; other sites are struggling unsuccessfully with the same problem. The long-term aim remains to include AC posting in all discussions if at all possible
Therefore, beginning immediately, all AC posting on the main site will be limited to registered members who have logged in to their account. We regret that this leaves a number of AC community members unable to contribute as they once did, but anonymity remains a personal choice.
This will not affect discussions in journals which will have no limits and will be open to all.
If there is a demand for it, I will look at alternative methods of publishing a small number of stories each day into a journal.
On a more positive note, there is evidence that because of the recent restrictions on AC posting a significant number of existing accounts have returned and are commenting in the discussions. The quality of discussions (i.e. signal-to-noise ratio) is significantly better than it was several weeks ago. Although we have lost overall numbers of comments, the value of many of those lost comments appears to have been quite low. There has also been a noticeable improvement in moderations being awarded with more positive moderations being given when compared to negative ones. It is too early yet to draw any firm conclusions from other site statistics.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by Mykl on Tuesday July 26 2022, @10:00PM (13 children)
I know people like to dump on Runaway, but imagine how boring the place would be if everyone agreed on everything. Besides, there are _some_ things that I agree with him on. I'm willing to take each separate argument on its own merits.
I can't think of any time I've ever agreed with Ethanol_Fueled, but it's still good to have a difference of opinion here to stimulate debate, and the odd flame war.
(Score: 3, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday July 26 2022, @10:30PM (1 child)
Ethanol-fueled was never as coherent as most trolls. Even when he posted something worthy of consideration, he would make sure to derail the conversation and devalue his own point by throwing in a non sequitur attack on a random minority group. It was so odd to see something that clearly had some rational thought and reasoning put into it, then witness the inevitable train wreck of irrational hate in the last sentence of the post.
All he'd have to do is stop typing and some of his posts would have been half decent, but it's as if he simply couldn't resist putting in the finishing touch of bigotry.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 28 2022, @04:55PM
That was his comic shtick though. For various values of "comic."
(Score: 5, Insightful) by Immerman on Tuesday July 26 2022, @10:39PM (9 children)
I doubt disagreement will ever go away.
But there's a difference between quality disagreement and time-wasting shit posts.
(Score: 4, Funny) by c0lo on Tuesday July 26 2022, @11:32PM (5 children)
Agreed. The latter may be funny (large grin).
(Score: 3, Touché) by Immerman on Wednesday July 27 2022, @02:40AM (4 children)
I'd say the funny ones aren't time-wasters!
(Score: 4, Insightful) by c0lo on Wednesday July 27 2022, @03:10AM (3 children)
Be them as they may, it still shit-posting.
Because shit-posting involves a shift of perspective, most of the time divergent to the topic being discussed in a focused, "quality disagreement" way.
The "funny" arises when the shift is unexpected (and the consequences aren't repugnant)
(Score: 2) by Immerman on Wednesday July 27 2022, @02:26PM (1 child)
Oh certainly. But I'm retroactively revising the interpretation of my original comment to mean I object specifically to shit-posts that are time-wasting, rather than using "time-wasting" to describe all shit-posts. ;-)
(Score: 2) by c0lo on Wednesday July 27 2022, @06:39PM
Ah, shifting goal posts, such a relaxing and enjoyable pastime when exercised within the context of the flexible-like-shit English language (grin)
(Score: 2) by acid andy on Thursday July 28 2022, @07:20PM
Now say that twenty times as fast as you can, preferably after a few beers.
Consumerism is poison.
(Score: 4, Funny) by deimtee on Wednesday July 27 2022, @02:49AM (2 children)
Of course. Disagreeing with my opponent is a quality post. Disagreeing with me is a time-wasting shit post.
If you cough while drinking cheap red wine it really cleans out your sinuses.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 27 2022, @03:22AM (1 child)
Iff this is the meaning you intended, congrats, you just time-wasting-shit-posted in an unfunny way.
(Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 27 2022, @08:03AM
Poe's Law [] strikes again!
(Score: 2) by Joe Desertrat on Friday July 29 2022, @12:38AM
While he sometimes resorted to trolling of a sort, usually he is willing to engage in a discussion to try to defend his points.