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posted by requerdanos on Wednesday November 08 2023, @06:30PM   Printer-friendly
from the fortified-with-essential-agenda-and-minutes dept.

Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee is scheduled for Today, Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 at 21:00 UTC (4pm Eastern) in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when complete. Note that due to the time change back to standard tine, this will be 4pm eastern time where it previously fell at 5pm eastern.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will also be published when available. Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information are to be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:

The community is welcome to observe and participate, and is invited to the meeting.

posted by janrinok on Sunday November 05 2023, @04:09PM   Printer-friendly

Our certificates expire in a few hours time and there is nobody available to update them. You may see warnings in your browser. Please accept our apology.

UPDATE: We think that we have succesfully renewed the certificates - but if anyone encounters anything unusual please let us know either here or on IRC.

posted by requerdanos on Wednesday November 01 2023, @06:45PM   Printer-friendly
from the meeting-and-greeting dept.

Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee is scheduled for Today, Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 at 21:00 UTC (5pm Eastern) in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when complete. This will be 5pm eastern time depending on your daylight saving time status.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will also be published when available. Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information are to be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:

The community is welcome to observe and participate, and so is invited to the meeting.

posted by requerdanos on Wednesday October 25 2023, @05:30PM   Printer-friendly
from the meet-space dept.

Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee is scheduled for Today, Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 at 21:00 UTC in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when complete. This will be 5pm eastern time depending on your daylight saving time status.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will also be published when available. Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information are to be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:

The community is welcome to observe and participate, and is invited to the meeting.

posted by requerdanos on Wednesday October 18 2023, @04:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the we-meet-again dept.

Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee is scheduled for Today, Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 at 21:00 UTC (5pm Eastern) in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when complete.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will also be published when available. Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information are to be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:

The community is welcome to observe and participate--you are hereby invited to the meeting.

posted by requerdanos on Tuesday October 10 2023, @04:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the keep-moving-forward dept.

Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee is scheduled for Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 at 21:00 UTC (5pm Eastern) in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when complete. Please note the new day and time.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will also be published when available. Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information are to be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:

The community, as always, is welcome to observe and participate, and is, as always, invited to the meeting.

posted by requerdanos on Friday September 29 2023, @05:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the the-work-continues dept.

Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee is scheduled for Today: Friday, September 29th, 2023 at 20:30 UTC (1:30pm PDT, 4:30pm EDT) in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when complete.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will also be published when available. Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information are to be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:

The community is always welcome to observe and participate, and is warmly invited to the meeting.

posted by requerdanos on Thursday September 21 2023, @04:30PM   Printer-friendly
from the how-organizations-are-forged dept.

Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee is scheduled for Friday, September 22nd, 2023 at 20:30 UTC (1:30pm PDT, 4:30pm EDT) in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when available.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will also be published when available. Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information are to be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:

You, the community, are always welcome to observe and participate, and you're invited to the meeting.

posted by requerdanos on Thursday August 31 2023, @10:30PM   Printer-friendly
from the your-governance-at-work dept.

Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee will be Friday, September 1st, 2023 at 20:30 UTC (1:30pm PDT, 4:30pm EDT) in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when available.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will also be published when available. Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information are to be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:

Our community is always encouraged to observe and participate, and is invited to the meeting. Hope to see you then!

posted by requerdanos on Thursday August 24 2023, @07:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the governance-in-action dept.

Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee will be Friday, August 25th, 2023 at 20:30 UTC (1:30pm PDT, 4:30pm EDT) in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when available.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will be published when available. In the meeting we plan to discuss mechanicjay's report on different entity types and the first draft of the bylaws, which was posted to janrinok's journal previously.

Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information are to be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:

Our community is encouraged to observe and participate, and is therefore invited to the meeting. SoylentNews is, after all, People!

posted by requerdanos on Thursday August 17 2023, @05:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the you-are-your-future-overlords dept.

Meeting Announcement: The next meeting of the SoylentNews governance committee will be Friday, August 18th, 2023 at 20:30 UTC (1:30pm PDT, 4:30pm EDT) in #governance on SoylentNews IRC. Logs of the meeting will be available afterwards for review, and minutes will be published when available.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will be confirmed pending confirmation of who will be attending. The SoylentNews PBC board has been invited to attend and clarify some things about the transition in structure. We also plan to work on the future bylaws of SoylentNews.

Minutes and agenda, and other governance committee information can be found on the SoylentNews Wiki at:

Per usual, the community is encouraged to observe and participate and is hereby invited to the meeting. SoylentNews is People!

posted by hubie on Wednesday August 16 2023, @03:55AM   Printer-friendly
from the just-asking dept.

"Everywhere I came I got the impression that I was surrounded by people who were emitting, but not receiving. Narcissism, I thought, is a corruption of focus, a version of attention which is only directed towards yourself and your own ego."

(Stolen Focus, Johann Hari, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 2022.)

How many subs should we publish on this site?

If we'd put on just a single story for each topic (software, hardware, news, science, security, politics and so on), and keep it on the frontpage for a week, would that work for you? If we'd publish hundred stories each day, would you start or continue commenting?

In short, can you think of a magic cast, in terms of number and frequency of stories, to lure an optimum number of people into posting here? If so, which would be the factors in your mathematical formula?

(Audio interviews for the quoted book, here).

Original Submission