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posted by martyb on Friday May 08 2020, @08:31PM   Printer-friendly

[20200508_220152 UTC: Update 2: "Monitoring - We've corrected the issues affecting connectivity to our Dallas data center, and we'll continue to monitor this issue to ensure that connectivity remains stable. If you are still experiencing connectivity issues, please reach out to our Support team by opening a ticket through the Linode Manager or by emailing

May 8, 21:57 UTC"]


[20200508_170527 UTC: Update 1: "Investigating - Our Dallas data center is experiencing additional connectivity issues, which we're investigating. We'll post additional updates as we learn more.
May 8, 20:49 UTC]


We are aware of connectivity issues with Linode, out hosting provider:

Linode Status Page:

Investigating - We are aware of connectivity issues affecting Linodes in our Dallas data center and are currently investigating. We will continue to provide additional updates as this incident develops.
May 8, 20:07 UTC


Monitoring - We've corrected the issues affecting the Linode Manager and our API, and we'll continue to monitor this issue to ensure that connectivity remains stable. If you are still experiencing connectivity issues with the Linode Manager or our API, please reach out to our Support team by opening a ticket through the Linode Manager or by emailing
May 8, 20:25 UTC

From what I could see, IRC dropped for a while as did access to our main page. There are reports on IRC that mail was down, too.

We are monitoring the situation and will update when we know more.

Original Submission

posted by on Sunday April 19 2020, @03:36PM   Printer-friendly
from the economics dept.

So, COVID-19 (coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, whatever you call it) sucks a bit for your health but it turns out it sucks a lot for the economy. So we're extending any subscriptions that were going to expire before then out to June first (this may be extended a time or two depending on how well our savings hold up). Yeah, we know we're an extremely small cap entity and that's not going to make a whole lot of difference but it's something we felt we should do anyway for a couple reasons.

First, we as a corporation do not have paid employees. The only people we give money to are our hosts, our registrar, our CPA, and the revenooers. Which we're going to have to continue doing regardless and which we can currently afford to do for a month or two without dire risk of having to make infrastructure cutbacks. Putting money into us during this nonsense doesn't help much in directly putting food on someone's table or keeping jobs from going poof, so we'd prefer you guys put anything you were going to send us to work where it will help at least a tiny bit in keeping the businesses that your neighbors work at afloat. Which is to say, spend it locally.

Second, we're quite fond of the folks who've chosen to financially support the site and we don't want them to get dinged because of something that wasn't remotely their fault.

Now we're not shutting down the site's subscription functionality. If you feel a desire to contribute anyway, we're happy to oblige and we're not going to tell you that you can't. We're not the bosses of your wallets and it would mean extra work for me when I don't really have time to do much of anything code/admin-wise.

Also, we're only doing this automatically for current and new subscribers; we don't want to hit people who weren't interested with an unsolicited email about subscription expiration when we have to shut the extensions down. They may have quit subscribing or even frequenting the site and it's annoying as all get out to keep getting emails from sites you stopped doing business with on purpose. We're happy to handle it manually, though, if your subscription ended any time since the first of the year. Just drop a comment to this journal entry (NOT to THIS story!) and I'll take care of it as often as I have time (at least once a day).

That's all. We now return you to your regularly scheduled mix of discussion, debate, yelling at each other, and trolling.

(Oh, and you can still submit stories, too! Hint hint! --martyb)

posted by janrinok on Wednesday April 15 2020, @10:11PM   Printer-friendly
from the rushin'-hacks dept.

[20200416_143747 UTC: Update 2: Added an Example to make clear what the problem was, and added 2 headings subsequent to the example to better organize the information. --martyb]
[20200416_005831 UTC; Update 1: Updated title and corrected spelling of balanceTags(). --martyb]

Ooops! Things should be working correctly, now.

tl;dr: Back on March 20th, someone tripped over a bug that appears to be in the balanceTags() routine in our Perl code. I found a way to made a quick fix to prevent its happening again, but the fix was missing a couple steps. I caught and fixed one of them, but only now just handled the other.

Workaround: When writing a comment, writing or editing a journal entry, or when submitting a story, use "DEL" instead of "STRIKE" to make text look like this.

This story is the result of something I learned in the process: properly notify the community of any changes to the site!

Symptom: It all started with a tag (i.e. HTML element) error in this comment in a user's journal where the user coded a <strike> tag, but neglected to provide a matching </strike> tag.

Example: Let's look back to the original comment which manifested this bug. Here's the latter part of it, after being corrected:

Looks who's projecting. Consider your phrase "steal jobs and send them overseas for cheap/free labor" (no such thing as free labor). That helps billions of poor people improve their lives. Yet here you are, selfishly obsessing over your developed world pricing power (with some very unempathic label spewing) rather than display the alleged empathy or morality that you claim to be concerned about.

Your empathy is nonexistent and your morals are bankrupt - definitely not the sort of person I should be taking advice from!

The problem is that there was no closing <strike> after the word "cheap", so it looked like this:

Looks who's projecting. Consider your phrase "steal jobs and send them overseas for cheap/free labor" (no such thing as free labor). That helps billions of poor people improve their lives. Yet here you are, selfishly obsessing over your developed world pricing power (with some very unempathic label spewing) rather than display the alleged empathy or morality that you claim to be concerned about.

Your empathy is nonexistent and your morals are bankrupt - definitely not the sort of person I should be taking advice from!

If that was all that happened it would be ugly, but tolerable. Unfortunately, every single character following it on the page was struck through, too. Not Good™.

Immediate Fix: To my knowledge there was only one way to rectify the immediate issue: manually go into the DB and insert the missing tag. This I was able to do quite quickly, but I still saw a problem.

More to Come: Anyone who saw this comment discussion, either at this moment, or who happened upon it later, would see an opportunity to intentionally leave a hanging tag and thus disfigure the site. Trolls gotta troll. So, I made the fix and noted same in this comment reply.

So, an instance of the problem was fixed, but now what? There's a "proper" way to do it, and there is another way to get the same effect that can be quickly implemented. I chose the latter.

Perl Code: Normally, such HTML errors in a user's comment or journal entry (or an editor's edit of a story!) are caught and handled by a routine in our Perl code: balanceTags(). The code looks though all the tags, with whatever nesting is present, detects where tags do not have a required closing tag,and silently inserts it into the text that makes it into the DB. It's rather hairy code because it also needs to handle: extra closing tags, mis-matched closing tags (e.g.: <b> bold <bold and italic> </b> </i>), mistyped or otherwise non-existent tags, restricting what tags are supported, and custom-created site tags! Whew!

Further, to fix it in the Perl code means going through the process of: checking the code out from GitHub, understanding the code, making the change, compiling the change, testing the change, (after rolling it out to our dev server), and then -- if all looks good -- rolling the change out to our production servers. And, of course, nobody was around at the moment who could support such activities even if it were an easy coding change (and it is not!)

Expediency: I realized there was another approach which would mitigate the problem -- not requiring Perl coding changes -- but could still prevent its recurrence: changing the value of a "Site Variable" (aka "site var").

Rehash Primer: Now I need to step back for a moment and explain a couple things. The code for is a fork of ancient Slashcode that was put up on GitHub. Slashcode was implemented using a Model View Controller design. There is a clear demarcation between what is done where and at what level.

Templates: As part of its implementation, the SlashCode implemented "Templates" which generate the HTML pages that get sent to the browser and act as an interface between the code and the user. As far as I know, every page you see on the site comes by way of a template. Each template may, in turn, make use of other templates. Templates can make calls to underlying Perl code. This is where the site implements the heavy lifting of talking to the database (DB), creating e-mails, and other closer-to-the-metal activities. The template language (from personal inspection; I have yet to find an official document as to its syntax and semantics) presents what appears to be a simple, macro-capable language. The templates are stored in the DB and loaded into memory when the site is started. An advantage of this is that changes to templates can be made "on the fly" using a template editor (which is, itself, a template!) There is one caveat: for the changes to take effect, processes on the front-end servers need to be "bounced", i.e. restarted, so the changes are loaded into memory from the (updated) DB.

Site Variables: There are some parameters whose values affect the site's operations: Name of the site, domain name of the site, the name of the Anonymous User account, ... it goes on and on and on. There are no less than 750 site variables! And, as many things that grew beyond their initial construction, there is no simple way to look for what site vars might be appropriate to any given situation. One is just expected to know what they are and what they do and how they do it. Simple enough approach when they first started, I guess. A search capability would be very nice to have, but it will take some coding to make that happen, so it has become just another of the several changes that would be nice to make to the site.

So, back to the matter at hand, I knew about the "approvedtags" site var which lists all tags which are permitted to be used on the site. Sure enough, "STRIKE" was in there! And, I saw that "DEL" was in there, too. Does "DEL" have the same problem? I tried a quick test comment on our development server and it revealed that balanceTags() properly handled a hanging <DEL> without a matching </DEL>. Yay! I removed "STRIKE" from the "approvedtags" list, saved the change, bounced the front-end servers, and breathed a sigh of relief.

All was good, until someone asked in a footnote to a comment why do we still list STRIKE as being a permitted tag for comments? What? I double-checked and verified that "STRIKE" was no longer listed in "approvedtags". What is going on? So, I commenced searching and finally discovered another site var: "approvedtags_visible" which contains the list of tags that is presented to the user as being available. And, sure enough, "STRIKE" was in that list. Grrr! I removed "STRIKE" from "approvedtags_visible", saved the changes, and saw no further issues mentioned there. Finally!

Or so I thought. Did you see what was missed? The site vars were now correct and up-to-date. The changes were saved to the DB. But... those changes existed only in the DB. Still needed to 'bounce' the front end servers for the changes to take effect. So, that entailed a quick SSH to our servers, running the bounce scripts, and verifying that "STRIKE" was truly and properly removed from the tags presented to the user as being available for use, and that anyone trying to use <STRIKE>, anyway, would discover it did not work.

Conclusions: So, here are some lessons learned:

  1. When you want to use a <STRIKE> tag, use <DEL>, instead.
  2. There is no assurance that reporting a problem in the comments will be noticed.
  3. Please report site issues with an e-mail sent to admin (at) soylentnews (dot) org.
  4. In addition to sending an e-mail, mention it in the "#dev" channel of our IRC server.
  5. This particular issue should now be well and truly fixed. Please report any problems you may discover with it.
  6. When communicating changes made to the site, a mention in the comments does not suffice.
  7. --martyb

[Janrinok says: TL:DR Martyb fixed it, OK, OK, I have read it....]

Original Submission

posted by on Wednesday April 01 2020, @01:02AM   Printer-friendly
from the automotive dept.

The Mighty Buzzard writes:

The 4/1 joke this year is on me. Working from home apparently doesn't get you out of working on your home, or in this case a church destined to shortly be my home. Which is what kept me from having time to annoy you lot with a terrible/goofy/whatever theme or some other silliness this year. Enjoy your lazy Wednesday and feel free to have a chuckle at my expense.

Side note: there are only sixty-one four-digit uids left at the time of this writing (the morning of 3/31) . Any of you long time ACs who think you might want to register before we hit five digits need to do it soon.

posted by martyb on Monday March 23 2020, @12:23AM   Printer-friendly
from the going-places dept.

[2020-03-23 01:32:11 UTC Update 1:Ed. Note - updated to clarify location of the skip to comments button.--fnord666]

[2020-03-23 12:56:40 UTC Update 2: Changed link target from "#acomments" to "#commentwrap" per suggestion in:; added "Note-to-self". --martyb]

Thank You! Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on a new UI feature to the site; [Skip to comment(s)]" is now live on SoylentNews!

The SoylentNews' Main Page should function and look the same as before. The magic manifests only after a specific story has been opened. Code has been added to a site template so that "[Skip to comment(s)]" should now appear, right-justified, in the first of the two lines in the title bar that appears immediately below the story's title.

[Note to self: see in-memory version of template: "dispStory;misc;default" original implementation target fragid of "#acomments" changed to "#commentwrap" as of 2020-03-23 12:56:40 UTC--martyb]

Clicking the button will bring you to the comment header block. (That's where you can adjust Breakthrough, Threshold, and Threading preferences (either one-time-only, or save it away, permanently.)

Quite frankly, thanks to the community's feedback, it looks and behaves better than what I had originally envisioned!

Changing Site UI to Make Long Stories Easier to Navigate -- Input Requested [superseded; see update]
Skip to comment(s) -- Second Try [Updated: 2020-03-21 15:06:00 UTC].)


Original Submission

posted by martyb on Saturday March 21 2020, @12:30PM   Printer-friendly
from the if-at-first-you-don't-succeed,-avoid-skydiving-or-making-immediate-changes-directly-to-live-systems dept.

[2020-03-21 15:06:00 UTC: Update 1:
(1) Reminder: this has so far been implemented only on our *development* server (; it has NOT yet been rolled out to this (the production) servers.
(2) The control (now a simple text link, no longer a button) no longer defaults to taking up a whole physical line immediately above the first comment.
(3) Please note that in certain corner-cases, it is possible that screen size limitations may cause an overflow onto the next line.
(4) And the control should now appear aligned-right in the story header. =)

[2020-03-21 15:42:00 UTC: Update 2: Fixed typo in the first of the above two links to our dev server. --martyb]

This is a follow-up to: Changing the Site UI to Making Long Stories Easier to Navigate -- Input Requested.

Wow! Thanks for all the positive feedback to the previous story! I knew the implementation was a bit rough around the edges, so I very much appreciate the positive, constructive feedback that was provided!

Based on your input -- primarily displeasure in having a single button take up a whole physical line -- I have modified the in-memory template on our development server to now provide a textual link in the story header right after the printer icon. It should only appear when viewing the story by itself; there should be no indication of this on the main page.

To repeat, this is only on our development server so far; it is not yest implemented on our production server (i.e. what you see here).

In short, should this get rolled out to production?

  1. Yes.
  2. Yes, with these suggested changes.
  3. No.

Please refer to the previous story (linked above) for test scenarios and reply with any issues you may find!


Original Submission

posted by martyb on Friday March 20 2020, @03:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the putting-our-heads-together-from-a-distance-seems-like-it-should-be-easy-but-it's-MMMMMMMMMMMMMM-not! dept.

[20200320_184315 UTC: Update: Made the dept. line longer to better demonstrate space [un]availability.--martyb]

[20200320_202305 UTC: Update: Added topics: "/dev/random", "Code", "Software", and "Answers" topics to better illustrate their use of space in a story. --martyb]

[20200321_175412 UTC: Update: superseded by: Skip to comment(s) -- Second Try --martyb]

First: Please accept my best wishes to everyone during SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 / Coronavirus pandemic. Please take all necessary precautions to keep yourself and those around you safe!

Second: I should not have been surprised, but I must confess my admiration at how the SoylentNews community came together in support of each other in response to SoylentNews Community -- How has SAR-CoV-2 (Coronavirus) / COVID-19 Affected You? As of my writing this, there are over 300 comments! community++ This is what I had hoped for when SoylentNews started over six years (Wow!) ago, and so validates my giving of my time to this site!

Third: (and the focus of this story) our virus roundup stories are... long. An AC posted a comment: thanks to eds:

Thanks editors for pulling together this summary. SN for the win!

One comment--it is kind of long to scroll down through, to get to the comments. Perhaps next time some of the longer stories could be put inside the spoiler tag?"

This was quickly acted on by a member of staff, but that was not universally embraced as a "Good Idea". Both Soylentils, to my eye, had good points. If I am visiting an active story again, I have already read the story (both the "Intro Copy" and the "Extended Copy"). Why should I have to scroll through a wall-of-text to get to the comments? The suggestion of using <spoiler>...</spoiler> to bracket the contents of each of the merged stories seemed like a reasonable suggestion. But, when you have a hammer... Right idea, but maybe not quite the right tool.

Aside: If I am reading a review of, say, a movie, then a spoiler is an appropriate way to hide plot details from those who have not yet seen the movie. That is not the situation here. Why hide details of a story about the pandemic? Hmm. A good first try, perhaps, but it looks like we need something different in this case.

Idea: what if there were, say, a button at the top of the story that I could click and be brought immediately to the comment section of a story? Hey! I can do that!

Acknowledgements: At this point, I hereby express my sincere thanks to AndyTheAbsurd for constructing some CSS which allowed the conditional display of a button, and to FatPhil for his testing efforts. Thanks guys!

Read on past the break for details on the implementation and a request for assistance before I attempt to roll it out to production.

So, I hacked up something that I hope addressed the initial concern: "kind of long to scroll down through". I'll be the first to admit the implementation is crude. We can go for pretty later. (The perfect is the enemy of good enough, right?) I think the ideal would be to have a separate nexus for virus-related stories. That way we would not feel compelled to gather a bunch of story submissions into a single story. We could process each submission independently and release each on its own. Unfortunately, there is much more to it than just adding an entry to the site DB.

It has been implemented on our development server: and I hereby solicit feedback from the community on how well it works. It was implemented with one addition to an in-memory copy of a single site template (dispStory;misc;default).

For the curious, see Original and Updated Versions of Template: "dispStory;misc;default" ("Skip to Comment(s)" button), but do be aware that rehash replaced tabs with spaces, so what you see is NOT an exact copy of the sources.

Now what? Feedback! This is your site. I am well aware there are Soylentils who have a much better grasp of HTML and CSS than I do, and am hereby soliciting supportive feedback.

Test scenarios:

  1. Does the "Skip to comment(s)" Button not appear on the main page?
  2. Does the "Skip to comment(s)" Button appear on the story page?
  3. Does it work?
  4. Is the appearance consistent across all of the available themes?
    1. Site Default
    2. BadA55
    3. Chillax
    4. Grayscale
    5. Black IcIcle
    6. Night Mode
    7. NV
    9. SoylentNews
    10. Vomit
    11. VT100
    12. VT220
  5. Is the layout consistent other homepage settings?
    [] Simple Design
    Simplifies the design of Dev.SN to strip away some of the excesses of the UI.
    [] Low Bandwidth
    Reduces the size of pages for people with slower network connections
    [] No Icons
    Disable topic icon images on stories.
  6. Which of the preceding homepage settings would be better served with just a simple anchor?

    <a href="@acomments">Skip to Comment(s)</a>

  7. Other, what did I miss?

Original Submission

posted by martyb on Friday March 06 2020, @01:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the alliteration++ dept.

I have a couple things to bring to the attention of the community concerning site funding and comment moderations. As always, if you are not interested in these matters, feel free to skip past this one; another story will be along shortly. Otherwise read beyond the fold for an update.


A recent comment to a journal article about SoylentNews now having a privacy policy prompted me to pursue something that had been nagging at me for a long while.

In short, I have learned it costs more to run this site than I had estimated. We have actually been operating at a loss for the past couple years. I have, therefore, provided a revised fundraising goal of $3500.00 for the first half of this calendar year in the "Site News" slashbox (that appears on the right-hand-side of the main page).

I have been advised our current funds on hand can support the site for just six months.

For those who have been around for a while, it will come as no surprise to learn that I try to keep a handle on subscription income for this site. Further, I have been maintaining what we affectionately refer to here as the "Beg-O-Meter' that appears in the "Site News" slashbox. It provides a running tally of our financial goal for the period and how far along we are towards attaining that goal. Lastly, I have posted stories in the past apprising the community as to our progress towards those goals.

We are an entirely volunteer organization (no staff member has ever been paid anything for their work on SoylentNews). All funding for the site comes entirely from the community (we have never run advertisements and are strongly resistant to any suggestion to do so). The vast majority of our funding comes from subscriptions.

My prior estimates of $4000.00 per year were based on the only information I had available at that time. Our monthly web hosting costs ($260/month), the fact that we needed to file and pay taxes, and that we paid an accountant to prepare them. Twelve months at $260/month works out to $2160 per year. I reasoned a goal of $3000 for the year would give us about $840 for those other expenses... that should do it, right?

Apparently not.

Thanks to the above-referenced comment, I reached out to a member of our board of directors and inquired as to our financial status. In very short order I received a pile of PDF files. A separate file for each fiscal year's Profit and Loss Statement and a separate file for each year's Balance Sheet. It took a surprising amount of effort, but thanks to the concerted effort of a few staff members, these have been uploaded to our Wiki and can now be accessed through the SoylentNews Finance page.

A couple things bear explanation. You may notice that there are expenses associated with subscriptions. The amount of a subscription made to SoylentNews is a gross amount. From that, Stripe or PayPal charge a processing fee for each subscription. These fees do add up and amount to the aforementioned expense.

Also, why is a Delaware company paying Massachusetts state taxes? I reached out for an answer from a board member, and here is his reply:

We pay Massachusetts income tax (since we are not profitable, we pay the minimum amount of $456 each year, but if we ever become profitable, we will have to pay more) because we are physically located in MA (through me). A physical address was required to open our checking account with BoA[*], and for various other things. For example, we need a physical address to sign the engagement letter with our accountant every year. Note that we are not required to pay Delaware income tax because we are not physically located in DE. The tax that we pay to Delaware each year is technically a franchise tax that we pay for the privilege of being incorporated in Delaware (allowing us to be a Public Benefit Corporation, among other benefits).

[*] BoA - Bank of America.

I will keep the community appraised should I learn anything more.


We had had a discussion on the site a few months ago about moderation on the site. I have been pursuing a possible implementation of one of the suggestions raised there: adding a "-1 Ad Hominem" moderation. Discussion among staff has suggested we would need a counter moderation should a "-1 Ad Hominem" be perceived to have been in error. That wold mean the addition of a "+1 Not Ad Hominem" moderation, too. (In proper geek fashion, they nicely abbreviate to: "-1 AH" and "+1 NAH"!) There is more to its implementation than just adding these options to the moderation table; coding changes would also be needed. This, in turn, would require the modifications be submitted through GitHub as a pull request, then testing, and finally a rollout to the community. It is important to note that this would be on a trial basis! If it proves to NOT be workable, we need to be able to roll that back. This is easier said than done! The previous moderations will need to remain in the system (what's done is done) but future moderations must be able to be blocked... and the code is not designed for this at all.

It bears mentioning that our goal is to provide a forum for the community to comment on stories and to moderate those comments. We strive to be as hands-off about these matters as we reasonably can.

In short, this is mostly an announcement that AH moderations have not been forgotten, design work is in progress, and that when time and developer availability permits, we hope to be rolling this out for a test run. I would not expect anything to happen in the next month, but wanted to provide as much advance notice as to the intention as possible so as to encourage any feedback, discussion, etc. that could help inform our implementation.

<Note class="TMB">

s/next month/next few months/

Contractor woes (just because I technically can do everything doesn't mean it's always the wisest idea) wound up pushing move-in date on the church I've been remodeling back a couple months (end of April is what we're currently shooting for as a best case scenario) and I don't want anything hitting production servers that hasn't had at least two weeks worth of testing on our dev server after me calling it done, because I'm quite often wrong about that. The end of May is the soonest anything is likely to hit production servers, with some time in June being far more likely.


Original Submission

posted by on Sunday February 23 2020, @03:20PM   Printer-friendly
from the anything-not-illegal-is-compulsory dept.

Bleh. Apparently not caring what you do on other sites or even requiring any personal information isn't good enough for the state of Confusion^WCalifornia, so we have a shiny, new, temporary Privacy Policy posted on every page and linked at the top of the nav bar.

If you feel like prettying the language, layout, or whatever up before I get around to it, feel free to do so and submit a pull request.

posted by martyb on Sunday February 16 2020, @09:09PM   Printer-friendly
from the cake-time! dept.

Thank You!

On the occasion of the site's sixth anniversary, I thought it fitting to mention some of the many ways that fellow Soylentils contribute to our community. This also seems like a good opportunity to mention some of the site's history, relate some staffing changes, mention other contributions by the SoylentNews community, and to wrap things up with some site statistics.

Please accept our thanks:

These thanks go out to all of you: my fellow members of the SoylentNews community.

To the Anonymous Cowards who post comments to our site (be they inciteful or insightful). To our registered users who not only post comments, but are also the only members who can moderate comments. No matter how long you have been here; whether you have just arrived (Welcome!) or have been with us from the very start... Thank You!

Speaking of which, thanks go to our staff who bludgeoned and duct-taped an ancient unmaintained open-sourced version of the code underpinning slashdot into some sort of basic functionality, and who have since made it the site you are enjoying today. Thanks, too, to our behind-the-scenes staff members, who keep the underlying services we depend on, running 24/7. Other staff members are more visible, like the editorial team who spend several hours every single day processing the stories that get posted to the site.

And let's not forget the members of the community who purchase subscriptions and thereby fund the operations of this site. We do have real world expenses: paying for our servers, domain registrations, and paying a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) to do our taxes.

Read on past the fold for all the rest!

Some History:

The history of this site has been well documented in our prior birthday announcements.

I've collected links to them for those who would like to take a walk down memory lane or to learn of how we got our start. It is worth mentioning here that preceding the creation of SoylentNews was a SlashCott, a boycott of the slashdot site where participants pledged to not access slashdot at all during the week-long period of February the 10th through the 17th. The first paragraphs of our 5-year anniversary post describes things quite well... Enjoy !

  1. Welcome to the World of Tomorrow... Today!
  2. SoylentNews is One Year Old!
  3. Happy Second Anniversary to SoylentNews!
  4. Three Years In - What Has Happened and How we Got Here
  5. Happy Birthday to SoylentNews -- Four Years Old!
  6. SoylentNews is... FIVE YEARS OLD!


I am happy to announce our editorial team has a new member spiraldancing who has been getting up to speed and has already posted several stories. And... we have two more who will be going through training as soon as some free time appears in their schedule.

Helping Others

SoylentNews is not just all about ourselves. Several members have joined together to help medical researchers examine the causes of protein misfolding which is of interest to medical research into Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and many forms of cancer. Please see my Journal Entry for details on what has been done and how to sign up!


Since this site went live, over 950,000 comments (WOW!) have been made to over 30,700 stories and 4,760 journal entries. Along the way, the community made just shy of 650,000 moderations to those comments. We now have over 9,500 registered nicknames, too.

Original Submission

Today's News | May 9 | May 7  >